Origin of aAriculture
Written on 7:23 PM by wacana
Domestikasi hinihinalang dog that although people may not know the culture (hunting and peramu) and livestock activities is the first time. Agriculture (crops and livestock) is one of the most famous people from all civilization and culture changes. Experts generally agree that agriculture was first developed about prehistoric 12,000 years ago, the culture in the "fertile crescent" in the Middle East, where the valley along the Tigris river Eufrat region and continue to reach the area from the west of Syria and Jordan today.
Evidence shows that the first time found the cultivation of grains (cereals, mainly because of our grain farro) and under-polongan region. At that time, in 2000 after the end of the last Ice Age in Pleistosen time, in this dearah many of the forest and found that it is suitable for early agriculture. Agriculture has been popular with those who have reached the culture of children stone (neolitikum), working in bronze and megalitikum. Agriculture change the type of faith, worship Allah, the game will be the cult of the god of fertility and hope that the availability of food. Cultivation techniques and then spread to the west (Europe and North Africa, where the Sahara desert can not fully) and east (for East Asia and Southeast Asia).
The trial in China showed growth jewawut (miles) of rice and 6,000 years before Christ. South-East Asia community recognizes the cultivation of rice at least 3,000 years BC, and Japan and Korea from 1000 years BC. Meanwhile, the Indian subcontinent to develop the cultivation of plants and animals since the beginning different. Livestock, the first didomestikasi goats / sheep (7000 years BC) and pigs (6000 years BC), including domestikasi cat. Cattle, horses, buffaloes, begin to respect built between the years 6000 to 3000 before Christ. Chicken and begin repairs. Silkworms are known diternakkan 2,000 years BC. Cultivation of new fresh water fish known from the 2000 and the Chinese and Japanese. Fish is also known to those in the new century to 20. Growth of fruit and vegetables have also been long known people. May people of Egypt (4000 years BC) and the Greek Kuna (3000 years BC) is recognized both wine and olive growing.