Disaster Management reviewed the Perspective of Social Assistance
Written on 7:42 PM by wacana
Disaster Management or disaster management or disaster response that the concentration of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia should comply with or rely on the vision and mission of the Department of themselves. In this case, the disaster management must be related to changes in attitudes and behavior of social welfare development targets, namely the problem of Social Welfare to the functioning of the social good of individuals, groups and communities and the environment, especially the victims of the disaster.
More information about this Drs. ANDI-HANINDITO former Kasubdit. Emergency Response - now Director of Social Assistance in Disaster Victims Social DEPSOS RI decompose in depth and scientific with the title "DISASTER MANAGEMENT reviewed PERSPECTIVES FROM SOCIAL ASSISTANCE" which was delivered on the 5th Asian Crisis Management Conference in Singapore dated 24 October 2007 .
More information about this Drs. ANDI-HANINDITO former Kasubdit. Emergency Response - now Director of Social Assistance in Disaster Victims Social DEPSOS RI decompose in depth and scientific with the title "DISASTER MANAGEMENT reviewed PERSPECTIVES FROM SOCIAL ASSISTANCE" which was delivered on the 5th Asian Crisis Management Conference in Singapore dated 24 October 2007 .
A. Understanding of Disaster Management
Disaster management process is a dynamic, integrated and continues to improve the quality of the steps related to the observation and analysis, and disaster prevention, mitigation, preparedness, early warning, emergency handling, rehabilitation and reconstruction of the disaster.
B. Destination Disaster Management
In general, intended for disaster management:
1. Prevent and limit the number of human victims and destruction of property and the environment
2. Eliminate suffering and hardship in the lives of the victims and
3. To restore the victims of the disaster area shelter / evacuation to their areas of origin, if possible, or merelokasi to new areas that huni feasible and safe.
4. To restore the function of major public facilities, such as communication / transportation, drinking water, electricity and telephone, including to restore the economic and social life of the affected areas.
5. Reduce the losses and damage further.
6. Leaving the basics needed to the implementation of rehabilitation and reconstruction activities in the context of development
C. Main Principles of Disaster Management
1. No two disasters are the same (there are no two on Alike license), although the type of disaster and the same location.
2. Effectiveness and efficiency in disaster management will be determined by the control of the characteristics of each disaster, and clarity of the key aspects as follows:
a. Target and other hazards that will occur
b. Local resources available
c. Forms of organization needed disaster management.
d. Planning fulfillment when the disaster occurred.
e. Actions must be done by sector and the insertion point in the cycle of disaster management (prevention, mitigation, preparedness, early warning, emergency response, restoration, rehabilitation and reconstruction).
f. Education, training, personnel management and development of a disaster continues.
g. Welfare personnel-personnel disaster.
3. The cash assistance is a form of disaster management the most good.
D. Disaster Management Mechanism
Disaster management mechanism consists of:
1. Internal or informal mechanisms, namely the elements in the location of the disaster, which generally carry the first and main function in disaster management and often called the natural disaster management mechanism, consisting of family, social organizations, informal (teaching, service death, the activities kegotong royongan, arisan and so forth) and the local community.
2. External or formal mechanism, the organization that deliberately formed for the purpose of disaster management, for example Indonesia is BAKORNAS PB, Satlak SATKORLAK PB and PB.
E. Social assistance is to support all:
1. Fulfillment of physical, mental and social disaster victims may be appropriate seoptimal actual local conditions.
2. Improving the ability, motivation and role of disaster victims in various activities, restoration, rehabilitation and reconstruction.
3. Problem-solving psychosocial disaster victims and to restore and improve social roles.
4. Prevention and mitigation of various losses to the victims of the disaster in the event of a disaster in the future.
5. Increased support from all elements in society continues in handling the emergency, restoration, rehabilitation and reconstruction.
F. The form and type of Social Assistance
1. Social Assistance
a. Physical
b. Non-Physical
2. Type of Social Assistance
a. Ready for Use
b. Processing
c. Additional / Pelengkap
G. Implement Disaster Management Line of Social Assistance
1. Field of Social Assistance is one of the strategic aspects of disaster management.
2. Implementation of the field of social assistance to become part of disaster response can not be done and must be partially intact in one unit, which are interrelated because the approaches used in the field of social assistance penanggulaangan disaster management based on the disaster that divided the disaster management cycle, namely before, during and after.
3. Guidelines for implementing the field of social assistance in disaster management is part of the social policy (Social Policy) in which the general principles to determine the options and make decisions on the condition that no / not yet known or conditions that may occur in the future 4. Implementation of Social Assistance in the field of disaster prevention programs formulated in the form of disaster management field of social assistance.
5. Disaster management program of social assistance sectors include:
a. Social Assistance, which is shaped with the help and protection to focus on the impact of the disaster, temporary (Temporary Impact)
a. Social Rehabilitation, which shaped the physical and non-physical, with a focus on the impact of the disaster for the permanent (Permanent Impact)
b. Social empowerment, namely the form of strengthening and development with a focus on the impact of disasters for sustainable development (Sustainable Impact)
6. Results are expected from all over the field of disaster management activities of social assistance is fulfilling the needs of disaster victims to be able to live fairly.
7. So that the process of disaster management field of social assistance running the systemic and holistic approach must place the target and users as well as actors on the subject of the community itself. For the community needs to be improved capacity of their ability to manage itself more capable and potential that can be considered to support their own needs proportionally. In this case the role of government is only as a facilitator and regulator.
8. The role and responsibility of the people who played in the disaster response system should be in the government's policy for disaster management through CBDM Program (Community Based Disaster Management).
9. Some Reasons CBDM about the importance of Program
a. Coverage and extensive spread
b. The limited ability of the Government
c. The potential and resources of the community is very big but has not managed in a professional
d. The effectiveness of the implementation of disaster management with a decentralized system of government is to strengthen and expand the potential Front Liner as spearheads
e. The efficiency of resource mobilization assistance, access network systems and information and communication point of coordination can be done using the command system, especially when the emergency response / emergency to empower, and the place assigned the role of those key elements of the community who are trained to make decisions quickly and not subject to bureaucratic mechanisms.
10.Manfaat Program CBDM
a. Strengthening the psychological ties that will indirectly strengthen the emotional level of the individual
b. Lessen the level of dependency on government
c. Increasing the culture of mutual cooperation and togetherness d. Accelerating the process of action / reaction, especially when the disaster occurred
e. Makes it easier to equate the perception of risk / danger of disaster
f. Activate the potential and resources of local
g. Strengthening unity and national solidarity
11.Strategi Program CBDM
a. Build command centers based on community
b. Setting a key person
c. Activities contain materials to increase the capacity of the community periodically through training, counseling, rehearsal and simulation .
Indicators of success of disaster management field of social assistance is determined by the role of the community itself, for all the activities in each region or regions will not be the same because it is affected by the situation, the environment and local culture. All the provisions / guidelines and rules related to disaster management field of social assistance should be applied, flexible and dynamic The main work of the most serious by the Government at this time is the "Main Set" The people from dependence to be independent in disaster response before help came from outside (to help them self) .
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Sunday, 12 October 2008