Origin of Yogyakarta
Written on 7:51 PM by wacana
History Mount Merapi, known as 2914 meters, standing Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat, Java palace in the shadow of a mountain. Currently, Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta) 1755, the district of Yogyakarta, Surakarta (Solo), the kingdom of Mataram was divided into kingdoms. Mangkubumi king in a palace built in Yogyakarta, and he, since the 17th century, the most influential as the palace of Central Java is used. Palace from the center of traditional life and the modernization of the 20th century, although the ruins, the palace, the spirit of purity, a marked difference between what the new century. One of Java, Yogyakarta is one of the cultural center.
Gamelan music, classical and contemporary history of the magazine's very beautiful, exhilarating, dolls and traditional arts from the skin and hundreds of stunned tourists is the point of view. Extraordinary spirit and life itself is boring, with little heat in the city. suburnya increasing number of contemporary art and culture are the people of Yogyakarta. Comfort, the Academy of Fine Arts, for example, the art center, INDONESHIAJOGUJAKARUTA here in a modern painting, painting impressionist painters, Affandi 5 important example of the school record. State sector is one of Indonesia's Central Java in the voice of MEINGETOUEI, this place is located geographically. From the mountain Merapi, stretching from north to south Indian Ocean. Flights daily in Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali, Yogyakarta and bus and train transportation linkage with the same land is a road trip. Department of Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta), removed one of the 34 provinces of Indonesia. Ⅱ Kotamadia five local-level Department of Yogyakarta, Bantul, Sleman, Kulon Progo, Gunungkidul and is divided into districts. Total population of 3,226,443 (Statistics December 1997) JOGUJAKARUTAERIA kilometers in 3186. City of culture and education from the local city government, known as regional tourist destination. Thiruvananthapuram history before 1755, is the capital of the Kingdom of BESUMATARAMU. In the 1755 big deal (Palihan Nagar), the kingdom of Mataram was divided into two: Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat and Kasultanan Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat. Mangkubumi usually followed by the king, the young generation Susuhunan Pakubuwono 2, as the king Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat dimahkotai. Then he mentioned the Sultan Hamengku Buwono Ⅰ. In 1813 when the third kingdom of Mataram, under the separation of British colonialism. Prince dimahkotai Paku Alam Ⅰ. Notokusumo as king, Buwono my child, Kasultanan separated from the kingdom of Yogyakarta. 17 August 1945 stated that the independence of Indonesia, Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat Pakualaman and signed by one of Indonesia's attachment to the region, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX, the governor and Sri Paku Alam VIII as representatives gubernurnya. However, the country DIY is a relatively small area, rich in tourism. Visitors are very interesting and impressive art shows and other art can find the results. In Java as the center of art and culture, Yogyakarta is a tourist, there are several types. That is why people are holder JOGUJAKARUTAJAWA mereferensikan culture. In addition, to provide a place for Yogyakarta mountains, sandy beaches and beautiful scenery, the beloved one. Department of researchers, geologists, experts vulkanologi and speleogi attractive location for the cave as active volcanoes in the lime in the stands. In the southern district of Gunung Kidul, as evidence that the sea, the marine biota from the limestone fossil of some of the chip. Archaeologist in this city is very interesting, at least 36 temples / historical sites here. In addition, the ruins of civilization in the 9th century. One of them, is a Hindu temple of Prambanan temple, the largest in Indonesia, the most popular. Borobudur, the largest Buddhist temple, the Seven Wonders of the World "was recorded as." Borobudur 1 hour, 42 kilometers west of the city of Yogyakarta on Wednesday with a trip to Borobudur, the temple can visit the temple and Mendut Pawon can be achieved. Mendut places of worship in the temple, a Buddhist statue in the said. In some ceremonies, but as far as this will be held in Yogyakarta. Beautiful environment, traditional architecture, social life, and the ritual of Yogyakarta, where more interesting to visit. Gamelan music and dance, Yogyakarta always a few centuries ago and remember the life of the spectators of traditional arts such as dance and traditional culture. Indonesia, the latest developments in technology, development of Yogyakarta, a more traditional rituals and customs and harmony. Name, in Yogyakarta Province is truly special. People are very friendly. This form of life and behavior. They taste as the traditional archery games for the dove as a very Thursday. In addition, people can listen to the cries of birds can enjoy life and have faith. Traditional archery competition is always called to commemorate King's birthday will be held "Wiyosan Dalem". When Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, has implemented this tradition was born. Traditional customs and rituals, but different, Yogyakarta, automotive, architecture, this traditional form of the market, which reflects the Center souvenirs, "the Museum of income, Java, is known as a museum, many options tourist attractions in Yogyakarta.