Awake and efforts to overcome CLIMATE CHANGE
Written on 5:12 PM by wacana
Intro: climate change conference in Poznan, Poland formulate more detailed targets have been agreed upon in the previous conference in Bali, called the 'Bali Road Map'. Bali Road Map not specify in detail the amount of the decrease emissions of carbonic acid gas, CO2. It is not surprising that in his speech in Poznan, Minister of the Environment Rachmat Witoelar urged that the spirit of Bali. "We must penetrate logjam and encourage innovation. Let's keep the spirit of Bali. Let's achieve agreement and let us do now," so Rachmad Witoelar. Innovation is important for REDD for the reduction of emissions testing and the decrease of forest in developing countries. How To Indonesia REDD this? The following explanation Indonesian Environment Minister Rachmat Witoelar from Poznan, Poland.
Rachmat Witoelar [RW]: This is the essence of REDD countries that have forests must maintain forests and it can be for compensation and support from the world, multirateral funds. Because of the many forest, the CO2 we will resap. We expect to be successful here, Indonesia is very supportive.
Radio Netherlands Worldwide [RNW]: What benefits for Indonesia is it?
RW: During this forest's why we degradation, so we must on. We are overcome with the funds that own four trillion to five years, we can not be further from it. Because the funds are limited. With REDD there is the other countries of this opportunity to contribute. So we support. This is a world of his help so that we can preserve our forests.
RNW: What is diributkan and that the developed countries that buy emission quotas from developing countries. Whether Indonesia will also travel emissions such sales?
RW: We participate in it, because that is not sold anything. It sold only a certification course. Certificates are sold and to motivate them to reduce polusinya. For our money is used to plant trees to the Climate change mitigation. So it the funds spent for Climate change also. Now, this is a system that rotates in this world we will come with it.
RNW: But through the REDD mechanism is yes, whether the right of countries that truly will reduce the greenhouse gases it? Are not they reassign to developing countries?
RW: groundhog Cuts (reduction of more red.) Is the obligation of developed countries. He must take groundhog cut. Some of that can compensate. But if they do not can not, in terms of the conference would also UNFDC conference here. This is not the only Green wash, or a yes laundring money, I can. They must cut emits. While cutting emits, they can also mengembali gas emission certificate. So this is not a substitute work together.
RNW: Come NGOs are among the pack, REDD about this. This will remove the role of indigenous communities who have for years have we maintain the sustainability of this forest. Does the pack Rachmat concerns of NGOs is baseless?
RW: It is baseless, I agree with that opinion. No society can be called a community-indigenious people is removed. But indigenous people and it is not everywhere. In a place that we observed him there. Therefore, I am in front of the council, stated that NGOs feared exactly that. I spoke yesterday with Indonesian NGOs, and NGOs from the CAN, from the Climate Action Network talk about this and I guarantee that Indonesia, Minister of my environment, will keep it. And to encourage REDD is not compromising bio diversity (biological diversity, red.) Like any people's right (the rights of indigenous peoples, red.) Granted by the law (the law is guaranteed, red.) Are there.
RNW: The indigenous communities of the pack, among others, yes?
RW: Yes, the indigenous communities. They will be kept in there and they will be people living in accordance with what he'd like.
RNW: The question now is among the indigenous communities that still exist with the government irregularity, no matter forest konfliklah them. Is there no cause of the difficulty in making the solution was?
RW: There may be difficulties. But in this case, the government or that regent woulda ngalah. Must give way to the lives of indigenous people in the forest. They can now do both. Indigenous people are going to finish the forest. The sale is the sustainability of forest, it's the same. If there is logging (pembalakan, red.) Yes, of course, he terkorbankan. Thus it should not be any logging. Men forests that remain sustainable, guarded by the indigenous, tribes (ethnic, red.) Or the people there. According to my opinion is in line to happen.
RNW: Still there that you want to add a conference in Poznan this?
RW: So, I think, and also with several parties, that the financial crisis (financial crisis, red.) Now can not remove our focus to overcome the efforts Climate change (climate change, red.) Today. Can not. This is not a replacement. Must be done simultaneously, must sinergical. In fact, according to my opinion, the resolution of problems Climate take this fact will resolve the financial problems of this. Because it will make solutions that long-term. Perhaps the message that I want to through relatives.
From: Radio Nederland News list manager owner-berita@RNW.NL