Disaster Assistance funds from the Overseas Must Through BNPB


Written on 6:42 PM by wacana

On the one hand, there is a ban on political activity and run security. But on the other hand, the Government provides insurance protection to foreign workers.

Indonesia is a country prone to disaster! Warning that repeatedly echoed, especially after the Aceh tsunami disaster a few years ago. AB Susanto management experts stressed that the country as a disaster, the people of Indonesia can assign. But it does not mean submission to bersimpuh without action. Disaster and it must be faced, prevented, and the impact be minimized.

When the introduction to his book gives Disaster Management Affairs in disaster-prone, AB Susanto said that the handling of the disaster can not be relied on spontaneity. Spontaneity means without the plan. Therefore, the Government must manage well with the disaster planning that well.

In the context that the government finally issued a package of disaster management policy in the form of Government Regulation (PP). Third, regulation is the PP. 21 of the Disaster Relief Organization, PP. 22 on Funding and Management of Disaster Assistance, and the PP. 23 on the Role of International Institutions and Foreign Institutions Non-Government in Disaster Relief. Third PP was published 2008 and has been effective since two months ago. The umbrella of this policy is the Law. 24 Year 2007 on Disaster Relief.

One of the interesting is highlighted for the PP. 23/2008. At the time of the tsunami Aceh and Nias, both foreign institutions and international organizations of foreign non-government organization (NGO foreign) race-race help. Until now, impressions overseas institutions that are still visible in the earth Serambi Mecca. But not clear how much money is the flow of foreign aid since the tsunami disaster until now. Understandably, some foreign agencies directly working with their partners in Indonesia.

Now, if later repeated similar disasters, both foreign institutions and international organizations and foreign NGOs can not directly vain provide assistance to local NGOs. They also can not the road alone because there are obligations to adjust the policy of the government version of disaster management.

PP 23 firmly stated: "In terms of international institutions or non-government institutions of foreign assistance funds must be delivered or sent directly via BNPB." BNPB is the National Disaster Relief Agency, which is non department. In the eyes of Aminuddin Kirom, Project Officer of Community Disaster Relief Indonesia (MPBI), the provisions of these policies in line with the spirit of a door in disaster management. This policy is intended to avoid any assistance that is not controlled and potentially misused.

In addition to the assistance fund should send directly to the account BNPB, international agencies and foreign NGOs is still burdened a line of other obligations. For example, prepare proposals, create and sign MoU, plus a work plan. In preparing the proposal, foreign institutions have to consult with representatives of Indonesia overseas. Questions agreement, but must be carried out under the coordination BNPB, involving Deplu. Meanwhile, concerning the work plan, BNPB can be arranged together with international agencies and foreign NGOs. This requirement, a requirement could actually diterobos if conditions in the emergency response.

If in such conditions, international agencies and foreign NGOs to the list of the number of personnel, logistics, equipment, location and activities. Soon, the approval or rejection of foreign agencies is the former head of BNPB. If approved, the PP 23, the Government will provide protection for foreign workers to run its work in Indonesia. However, not explained in more detailed form of protection referred to.

Even if protected, the Government has to provide unequivocal line. The foreign workers are prohibited from conducting activities that background or political security. What categories of activities that enter the political and security determined by the Head of BNPB with intelligence and security agencies. One that is not less important, international agencies and foreign NGOs should consider and respect the social culture and religion, local residents where they work.



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