Lifestyle vegetarian and warming
Written on 5:35 PM by wacana
Did you know that vegetarian lifestyle can help penangkalan global warming? Understandably 20 percent gas, carbon dioxide emission come from cattle that we eat. In other words, if not eat meat, then we also do not contribute to carbonic acid gas into the air, making the earth more heat. Sulitkah become a vegetarian? Reporter Anthony KBR68H Eko to take a new look lifestyle.
Susianto from other friends when selecting the menu lunch. As a vegetarian, Susianto only eat plants, do not eat living creatures, such as meat, fish or processed. That Susianto Chairman of the Vegetarian Society of Indonesia align one kaprah term vegetarian. Often computed 'vegetarian' comes from the word 'generation' or vegetables. In fact this is taken from the Latin, 'vegetus', meaning' healthy life and spirit '. Far from the vegetables.
Susianto is full-blooded vegetarian for 20 years. He said, vegetarian lifestyle has been known since the fifth century before Christ. When they called 'vitagorian' alias Phytates sharer, a scientist and mathematician wiz, who was also vegetarian. The term 'vegetarian' own new appears thousand years later, the year 1800s.
Susianto: So, in 1847 introduced the word vegetarian start, the foundation of the UK Vegetarian Society. It was the first modern organization vegetarian, in English. So the UK is pencetusnya, but it does not mean people are vegetarian since 1847, is not. Before that many people are vegetarian. But it was not there a word vegetarian.
Susianto a vegetarian because of health reasons. Education chemistry and nutrition to make him know exactly the danger of meat.
In many meat Susianto cholesterol, saturated many weak. Plants are in no cholesterol and cholesterol is the main cause of heart disease. I think small children also. The advantage both in the flesh there is no fiber. Fiber only in plants. That is to prevent obesity, cancer and diabetes. Average animal protein, sour, and that favored by cancer cells. Medium vegetables are wet, cancer cells are not preferred.
Vegetarian must be true through three stages. First, lakto ovo, a vegetarian who still eat eggs and milk. After that, lakto vegetarian, no longer eat eggs, milk, but the road continued. Phase terakir vegetarian is the most ngelotok is silly. Only vegetation.
Neli, Indonesia Vegetarian Society volunteers, a vegetarian because of his faith. After that, the new health reasons. Neli admitted to trauma witnessed animal torture and states medicines that look healthy and big.
Neli: That and the love that we see animals killed. From the VCD that we see that they experienced torture, even when not only killed, at the time of their birth they are states with various chemicals that dibooze for growth. So to see things more reinforce the determination to become a vegetarian.
Neli words, it was initially difficult. Moreover, the origin of South Sumatra, have spoken with pempek that contain fish. Difficulties experienced similar Fitrian Ardiansyah, Director of Climate and Energy Program of WWF Indonesia. Two years ago, he began to say farewell to the flesh.
Fitrian Adriansyah: Age 34 I at this time. During the 30 years we eat tail soup, soto goats and so forth. There is a feeling that lost, the sensation is lost. But then during the next week, when we have to find alternative replacement thin sizable yes. We feel more fresh, more calmly. Agency mainly because more light weight down, the sports we never run out of breath. During this I think I'm quite happy and healthy, do not mind more clear dizzy because of economic reasons.
In addition to the body healthy, so if the vegetarian bag also take healthy. Fitriansyah is counting this matter carefully. Money to buy meat far more to buy vegetables instead.
Fitrian: Reasons for the economy, of course. Prices of meat yesterday widths 80 thousand per kilogram. Then the chicken is also expensive. With the difference of income that can be stored, may now have the ability to buy vegetables are organic. First in a second helping local farmers.
But there is worry that the danger poisons and pesticides on crops. Chairman of the Vegetarian Society said Susianto Indonesia, for vegetables with clean running water, no need to worry pesticides behind. Different pesticides meat that can not be removed. Content 14 times higher than pesticides for vegetables.
Susianto: Animal Husbandry and it also always eat berpestisida. And the farmers also will not wash for livestock animals. If a man does not sebodoh that, we are going to wash. And pesticides and it can dissolve in the liquid. Moreover, if the water was orange juice or salt to keep it more soluble again, more readily lepasnya. Yes indeed there is little remaining but if people eat the meat is free of pesticides and one large.
No need to worry also spiritless body weakness because not eat meat protein. Susianto words, needs protein can be obtained from soybeans. Soy protein content of 34 percent, while only 18 percent of the meat.
Not only that benefited themselves with the vegetarian lifestyle, but also the earth. In 2006, the UN issued a report on livestock and the environment. Content, almost 20 percent of the carbonic acid gas emission comes from livestock. This exceeds the combined total emission of all vehicles in the world.
According to Prasasto Satwiko, Coordinator of Technology Center for Energy Studies University of Atmajaya Yogyakarta, which is also a vegetarian, almost the entire process associated with the livestock responsible for the carbonic acid gas emission. For example, to prepare feed for livestock, land clearing for livestock, meat processing in factories, transport meat from livestock to market, animal dung to participate contribute to global warming.
Prasasto: It is said that transport in the world dijumlah still much less than the contribution of greenhouse gases that livestock industry to 15 percent. If all transport combined is only 13 percent. We do not only talk CO2nya yes, because the livestock industry, other than CO2 also methan NH4 called 21 times more potential than CO2, and also from pipisnya, urinalysis oxide nitrous oxide is 296 times more than the evil of CO2 .
Data Vegetarian Society of Indonesia mentioned the IVS, the number of cattle in the world three times more than men. Imagine. Cattle totaling 1.5 billion, 1.8 billion sheep, chickens and 15 billion more. If ditotal, almost 20 billion tails, live cattle across the earth. How big gas carbon dioxide and methane gas released from these animals.
Animal Husbandry also accused the main causes of damage to soil and water pollution. Fitrian Ardiansyah, Director of Climate and Energy Program of WWF Indonesia said, currently 30 percent of the land on earth used livestock. Furthermore the opening of land for livestock, the forests in Brazil participate damaged.
Fitrian Ardiansyah: Where there is a significant relationship between the livestock industry with the expansion of deforestation, which will also contribute to emissions of greenhouse gases because of pressure due to land livestock industry in Brazil, for example, more pillage lands that are protected sebernarnya in the forest Amazon, because the land is already used for other biofuel industry through the sugar cane plantations.
Using the land for plantations, if calculated count, far more useful to change it so instead of livestock. Susianto, Chairman of the Vegetarian Society of Indonesia.
Susianto: There is a research data saying that in 1-hectare area of land that we can produce 20 thousand kilos of potatoes, 20 tons. But in 1 hectare of land that only produces 165 kilograms of beef. Try out for a number of reasons will be about 120 commas. This means what? A vegetarian more cost-efficient use of land, 120 times from a meat eater.
In Indonesia, said Director of WWF Fitrian, cases of forest destruction is not too severe. But snow did not try the health of people around livestock. There are many cases of bird flu or antrax.
I still make little effort livestock industry more environmentally friendly. Fitrian Ardiansyah of the WWF Indonesia said, many more countries cope with global warming the focus from saving the bulk of electricity and transportation.
Fitirian Ardiansyah: What I see is the knowledge is there. But they include some priority. The main priority is because it was so much the quantity of CO2nya generating electricity converted try to be more terbarukan. And transportation also Hybrid car and so forth, and a new livestock industry in recent years diekspos media.
Many developed countries were reluctant to touch the agricultural industry because the industry is one of economic stimulus. Chairman of WALHI, Berry Nahdian Forqan.
Berry Nahdian Forqan: I still see that the government, both in developed countries like in any developing country, still confound the interests of handling environmental issues in this climate change with the interests of the interests of economic growth. This is a serious climate change is not handled. Economic interests here more diproritaskan, preferable.
Let us remember again the speech wholesaler Nobel Peace 2007, Rajendra Kumar Pancauri, concerning two major steps to save energy and prevent global warming. Do not eat meat and cycling.
Do not forget, a vegetarian can save 1.5 million tons of carbon dioxide CO2, every year. This figure is far higher than normal steps to replace the car with environmentally friendly cars, which save 1 million tons of CO2.
Team Coverage KBR68H report to Radio Netherlands Worldwide in Hilversum.
Credit: UN conference on Climate Change that to 14 during the Poznan conference is a continuation of Bali years ago. But, other than to continue Bali, Poznan conference also discussed other important one, that is the reduction of emissions testing and the decrease of forest in developing countries, abbreviated REDD. What is the concept of REDD this and what the role of Indonesia in it. The following explanation Agung Yung, WALHI environmental activist who
attended the climate change conference in Poznan.
Agung Yung [AW]: the lower the emissions tied to the developed countries alone, developing countries are not obliged to reduce emits. But through this scheme REDD developed countries try to find a new way to lower emits. Because they do not have a strong advantage for the lower emits.
Radio Netherlands Worldwide [RNW]: How is the purchase emissions from developing countries are growing so on?
AW: Yes, buy emissions rights from developing countries that can reduce emits from the forestry sector. This kind of CDM, but the Clean Development Mechanism, but in the forestry sector. But there are things that other crucial that we should see in this propoasal REDD. REDD does not explain the exact definition on what the forest itself. Definition of the forest itself, which is fundamental if we want to talk about the forest is not determined with certainty. This will also lead to the interpretation, the interpretation that vary.
For example, FAO's own interpreting the plantation is also part of the forest. If the estate included in the category of forest, how many oil palm plantations that will be able to get incentives from the fund this project. Kan is the source of the problem. Then again there are not problems in the forestry sector of Indonesia, currently a very complex. There is a conflict between the indigenous communities by plantation companies, the company also mines and conflict with indigenous communities immigrants or indigenous communities conflict with the government.
Well, this is the first dibereskan must if we want to discuss this REDD scheme. Recognition of indigenous peoples in Indonesia is very weak at all. When the REDD scheme is that we are takutkan indigenous communities would become a victim and lost access to utilize their forests during this has been proven that they maintain their forests sustainably for hundreds of years, I like it.
RNW: How do you establish yourself in Indonesia REDD this scheme?
AW: In some opportunity in Jakarta, that some delegations stated that they will bring the message that they will respect the indigenous communities and how local communities can also participate in the REDD scheme. But in a few days, the plenary, the plenary was held, a special scheme of RED, I do not see a single word indigenous communities or local communities that expressed by the delegation of Indonesia.
Delegation of Indonesia only reveal that they are ready to implement REDD. This is going to prove that what is disclosed in Indonesia is not the same as what is disclosed in the plenary this UNFCCC. Indonesia is on the offer REDD scheme in the market.
This is also very dangerous one. When the scheme failed to market this means that we not only lose money, we will also lose the forest and also the pick to win again decrease emissions from industrialized countries also will not happen because the market. Company-developed countries can make the money to invest in more equip to support this scheme.
This scheme will be fair when this is done by developing countries that have advanced the state of forests and also reduce emits at least 40% of emissions in 1990. Well, this must also be conducted. Now, pick to win this scheme is driven energy while developed countries would not reduce energy for the reason that they will contribute their money for this scheme.
So, that means there will be no decrease in the level of global emissions. That there will be selling and buying, selling and buying emissions that. Now, we want this kritisi and there are crucial matters. The last is the REDD scheme was not to discuss the root of why the problems occurred deforestation, forest degradation occurs why in Indonesia. Now, when we talk of deforestation and forest degradation Indonesia, we will talk of how the high demand for biofuel, the high demand for paper, the high demand for goods and all kinds of mines, oil and gas it.
And then it becomes a business opportunity, so that the forest must be defeated in the name of the business. Now, we want against accidental deforestation, which also must be made is how to lower demand from these countries. Now, it's never discussed by developed countries. We only asked to maintain their forests and provide money for us as if we become satpam for them.
From: Radio Nederland News list manager owner-berita@RNW.NL