Neo-Liberalism is Dead!
Written on 8:35 PM by wacana
Dota Addict by Kusaeni
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The economic crisis that occurred in the United States into evidence sakaratul death free market system.
During the neo-list of this blog has collapsed. One of the pillars of liberalism buffer is a free market economy. Let the "invicible hand" set up by law "of supply and demand."
Give the freedom of the total flow of capital, goods and services. Free market credo is that the market is not regulated and Interfered is the best way to encourage economic growth. Only through the free market economic growth can be achieved.
Economist-free market economist defense is confident that "The best government is the least government." These economists, that Indonesia is known as the Berkeley Mafia, often berguyon that the most rapid economic growth in the evenings, when the government is Sleep.
It turns out that the free market is no longer valid in the country to become a vortex dinamonya. Hence, economic growth so anjlog with a very free market. Hence the government of George W Bush can not sleep, how to intervene and try to handcuff the "invisible hand".
Bush dilemma facing serious financial crisis facing heaviest depression years after 1930's. The government decided to intervene. On the approval of the U.S. Congress, Bush menggelontorkan funds talangan more than one trillion dollars in order to save Lehman Brothers and the giant companies that Wall Street collapse.
"We must act," Bush said in front of Congress.
He does not believe that the more miraculous hands can utilize their own financial crisis that the U.S. and berimbas the entire international economic governance.
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Mistrust of the economic liberalization has actually dikumandangkan experts and politicians in the United States alone. 7 edition of Newsweek magazine in January 2008 to load paper A columnist Robert Samuelson entitled "Welcome to stay on Free Trade."
Samuelson explained that the emergence of liberalization along with the crisis year 1929. Time is the belief that U.S. protectionist intensifying depression. Factors emergence liberasisasi also encouraged by the Cold War situation.
There is a belief that communism can be with each other stretches Western countries through free trade. At a certain point is there. When communism collapsed and socialism bubarnya crumble with the Soviet Union, the West and celebrate the victory of "truth" of the system of liberalism communism / socialism.
Francis Fukuyama even dare to say is tumbangnya communism time, then history has died. Fukuyama writing the book "The End of History" to designate a new era after the Cold War. A new era of the world where democracy and economic liberalization that will be the value respectively. A new era that will make the world more peaceful and more prosperous under the auspices of capitalism.
Since the time where the United States as the only country Adidaya, both in politics and economy, then there is no obstruction to disseminate democracy and liberalization. U.S. obsessed to make the entire country in the world to become democracies, as "fellow democracies do not fight each other."
Said the country was still not as democratic Iraq, Iran and North Korea, should be exempt. When necessary, democracy was under armed robbery. Dictatorship like Saddam Hussein must be defeated. U.S. soldiers were to be. Invasion and done.
Countries that have not implement free trade must be pressed and didikucilkan. Barriers to tariffs must be removed. Free space on the international trade and investment such as AFTA, NAFTA, or the area of free trade area should be opened selebar-width.
Institutions, international financial institutions such as the World Bank and IMF as the tool for economic meliberalisasi countries that need financial assistance. Countries that refuse to join the WTO or reluctant restored by the economies of the IMF, given sanctions. Diembargo if necessary.
Garisnya very clear. Participatory democracy and liberalization or taste result. Diplomacy "carrot and the club" is usually the U.S..
That is the concept of binding regulations set by the "American Dream" that only a utopian. Democracy and economic liberalization had not dimimpikan the environment. When the Great Abuse (1929) and the Cold War no longer relevant, then lost the engine pendorongnya liberalization. It is predicted by experts in the U.S. economy, or the kind of Samuelson Joseph Stiglitz.
The world economy "boom" was also created understand liberalism weakened. China is regarded as a country that proteksionis and not liberal, it can be astonishing economic growth. Prof.. Kishore Mahbubani of Singapore predict China's economy will pass the U.S. in the tempo of less than ten years.
"We see the economy of the United States and Asia, which decreased the climb, especially China and India," he said.
In addition to economists, politicians also began to denounce the U.S. liberalization. Hillary Clinton campaign in every state theory, the theory underlying free trade is not valid anymore in the era of globalization.
If elected as president, as quoted edition of the Financial Times on December 3, 2007, Hillary states will review NAFTA trade agreement, despite the signing of 1993 is her husband own.
Treasure of the largest economic liberalization undertaken by the Bush government. Instead of letting the market mechanism in the Wall Street fortune himself, to give Bush the funds talangan without many requirements such as when the Bank of Indonesia menggelontorkan BLBI. There is no limit of time when refunded and the maximum limit of funds that dikucurkan. There is no requirement merestrukturisasi companies themselves.
The United States have been deviating from pakemnya own. If the U.S. is not believed to kredonya own, let alone the other. Perhaps the time has come for the world, such as dikumandangkan by Samuelson, to say "Welcome To Free Trade".
Died: economic liberalization. (*)