Emerging countries and Disaster Management
Written on 6:32 PM by wacana
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The developing countries must be able to share experience and expertise in the field of disaster risk management that no longer depend on the developed countries.
It is presented by the Director of Technical Cooperation Ministry of Foreign after heishin Andayani opening ceremony of the International Workshop of the Disaster Risk Management of South-South on Climate Change Adaptation in Jakarta, Tuesday.
"We think the more developed countries will respect the developing countries if developing countries can work hand to hand to solve the problem tidaklagi too dependent on the developed countries," he said.
In that case, he continued, Indonesia has attempted to play an active role in realizing its commitment to share experiences and knowledge with the developing countries in the region.
"Indonesia is on training, workshops, internship opportunities in various sectors of development," he said.
According to heishin, a program of disaster risk management workshop that was attended by representatives from 13 countries this is also one of Indonesia's commitment in the spirit of cooperation.
Deplu Meanwhile, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (victims), UNDP Special Unit for South cooperation and South-GNB organize an international workshop on improving cooperation South-South in the management of natural disasters in the Asia Pacific region with focus on Climate Change Adaptation in the 14-17 October 2008.
The event was attended by 30 participants dari13 developing countries in the Asia Pacific region, namely, Bangladesh, China, Fiji, the Philippines, India, Laos, Maldives, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor Leste, Vietnam and Indonesia.
Organizing the workshop is aimed to promote the capacity and experience of various agencies and institutions in Indonesia in the field of disaster risk management (disaster risk management / DRM) and adaptation to climate change (Climate change adaptation / CCA) in handling various natural disasters in Indonesia to the countries participants training as a forum and exchange of experiences and ideas between Indonesia with the countries participants.
The workshop is also expected to build a network between participants and experts DRM and CCA. The same network also is expected to be established between the institutions that deal and have the attention in the field of DRM and CCA.
As the area is vulnerable to natural disasters and the impact of global climate change, countries in the Asia Pacific region, most of which are developing countries requires a cooperation mechanism in order to cope with the impact, both in the field of social and economic development.