The Disaster Response System Paradigmatik


Written on 7:30 PM by wacana

Interview Arifin Purwakananta October 1st, 2008

So-talking style sidelines of a simple and unadorned often terlontar shock-shock. Creativity and fresh ideas, humorous man like this never interrupted and continues to flow. Broad interests. No wonder he became the champion and head of the class in the school, climb mountains, race adzan win, play musical instruments Flute, studying violin in a self-taught, became assistant lecturer at the campus, never to become champion of our international invitation Up Shield. Activist charity that had become trainers techniques creative thinking when a student of Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, this is always skittish in contributing thoughts about various things. Responding to the issues of disaster, for example, the idea of the concept Kampung Disaster Response, which was diseminarkan at Al-Azhar Islamic University of Jakarta in 2006 and received a positive response from participants of the seminar. By rekaulang national disaster response system through efforts to bring law and the This is still digodog House, a social activist who was the Director of the Institute of Management Zakah this, toss ideas around the national disaster response system that paradigmatik and the role of strategic management organization charity (OPZ) in the system.
Disaster response system in Indonesia is not yet integrated and weak in its implementation.
Arifin smile when this get to him. He was responding to the positive. "It needs time and collective wisdom to create a national system of good," he said, opening the discussion. He hopes that Indonesia will better handle the disaster.
Menururt Arifin, the fact that Indonesia's geographical position to become the center of the ring of fire, the vessel is the world's countries with a potential disaster. World record Krakatau eruption and tsunami that swallowed hundreds of thousands of lives and perhaps the super-volcano eruption in North Sumatra and the vibrations felt throughout the world. Not to disasters such as a small earthquake and landslides, fires, floods or even a disaster such as social unrest, etc.. This situation will make Indonesia has rich experience with various kinds of disaster. Sepahit anything, this can be seen as one of our potential in developing disaster response system is good, certainly through the system and the most advanced technology. "She is a world will learn menangangani disaster and minimize the sacrifice of our experience," Arifin connect optimistic.
Marut vulgar Handling Disasters
Arifin assess the handling of the disaster in Indonesia is still colored by a central command structure jelasan and regional infrastructure agencies handling disaster is a unit of ad hoc experience of the poor, and a preference jelasan decision making of a disaster is considered a national disaster or not, again, this berimbas policy on the provision of central funds. If dirunut started from the lack of rule of law and good umbrella. However this can be improved if the leadership at the national level and in the regions they hold by the back up system information and making decisions that strong. Furthermore kecarut-marutan handling of the disaster in Indonesia also is blowing from the runway and the paradigm of thinking that long and we should leave. Kemandegan paradigm for handling this disaster, which culminate on mandulnya entire program that is handling the disaster.
Kiss goodbye her dream about who should take the main role in handling a national disaster. Is it a form must dikomandoi agency coordination by the President / vice president or a permanent institution at the department. This debate must not stop here. Brings in a committee or agency can handle a disaster of such complex. There are still many form of alternative systems for example, a similar concept HANKAMRATA (defense and security of the people), which means that the system that involve the public in handling emergency conditions. As an example. Not yet on the policy of providing funds and disaster management, coordination issues and so forth. "Kecarutmarutan handling of the disaster became just the second disaster following the disaster actually," Arifin information. Not surprisingly, instead of handling the disaster, we often heard news of the officials involved in corruption even disaster funds.
Disaster Response System, which Paradigmatik
"We need a new disaster response system that paradigmatik," Arifin row, this time with a serious face shape. Arifin understand this idea as a way of perceiving ketanggap-bencanaan with a new way that is more comprehensive and integrated. This concept is considered all the dimensions that may be related, such as human, time, resources, cultural, economic, geososial, technology, etc., in handling the disaster.
For example, we must consider the human as the subject of all this disaster response system. This means better management, disaster response professionals, volunteers, and the victim is the same player from the main discourse of disaster response. This will result in disaster response system that will place the position of the human role in the operation. Awareness of the dimensions of time will cause the system of early prevention and disaster control, emergency response and disaster recovery.
Therefore, we also need to consider the dimensions of resources or other form of cultural, economic, etc. geososial. with a more comprehensive and terinstegrasi. Such as to disaster prevention and READINESS: we need to strengthen the concept of early warning system that a modern, strengthening the culture and folklore of disaster response, planologi and tataruang the victims and prevent the creation of emergency facilities if necessary, to protect the architecture of the building, the social institution, even the concept of education the concept of economic social care and disaster response will be to prevent or reduce as a result of the disaster. "This idea can be tested and didetilkan become a disaster response system alternative, the team needs to contain some friends who are experts in the field and want to care," Arifin information.
Get the opportunity from the wallet Dhuafa to manage the handling of natural disasters landslides in various areas such as Jasinga west Java, the earthquake in Bundaberg, the earthquake in Sukabumi, SR 7.2 earthquake in Bengkulu, Jakarta flood, tsunami in the Banggai Islands Sulteng, flooding in Bundibugyo said, during the between 2000 through 2004, making Arifin have hours of flying sizeable handling of the disaster. He always involved in the team pengananan such as the tsunami disaster in Aceh, Yogyakarta earthquake and the Sumatera earthquake early March 2007.
Organization Manager of the role of Zakah
To respond to the fact OPZ less signigfikannya role in disaster response for this, Arifin who served as General Manager of Resources Mobilization Baznas Wallet Dhuafa is considered it as a process. "Although impressed sporadically and independently, OPZ role in the handling of the disaster this time can not be small," continued. We see the reality in almost all disaster and the humanitarian tragedy in the last 5 years is always just suck OPZ and philanthropic institution based Islamic down to help others. Some even OPZ establish special units of the disaster and diligently to open the wallet and humanitarian disaster. "As a potential, OPZ have the strength as a strategic part in the important concept of disaster response," continued the father of two daughters of this.
Potential is Arifin is the presence of social infrastructure including the ability to mobilize community volunteers who are owned by OPZ in the role as a human institution, the availability of public funds as a backup for disaster management and preparedness of OPZ in the post-disaster assistance community in a long period of time in the role as amil charity. The last is the creation of facilities Baitul Maal the economic locomotive social security system in the community, create a system that captures the public. Three potential for this to become a strategic function OPZ. So OPZ not only mengalang funds and submitted to the location of the disaster.
Handling of the disaster response with the involvement of the community as a subject is a recent concept, and mustinya OPZ institutions, including the most ready to implement it in the. Living in the future if the national OPZ-OPZ able mengkordinir institutions so that they become a more significant force, "here later FOZ can play a role," Arifin close further discussion. [p]
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