Written on 6:42 PM by wacana
On the one hand, there is a ban on political activity and run security. But on the other hand, the Government provides insurance protection to foreign workers.
Indonesia is a country prone to disaster! Warning that repeatedly echoed, especially after the Aceh tsunami disaster a few years ago. AB Susanto management experts stressed that the country as a disaster, the people of Indonesia can assign. But it does not mean submission to bersimpuh without action. Disaster and it must be faced, prevented, and the impact be minimized.
When the introduction to his book gives Disaster Management Affairs in disaster-prone, AB Susanto said that the handling of the disaster can not be relied on spontaneity. Spontaneity means without the plan. Therefore, the Government must manage well with the disaster planning that well.
In the context that the government finally issued a package of disaster management policy in the form of Government Regulation (PP). Third, regulation is the PP. 21 of the Disaster Relief Organization, PP. 22 on Funding and Management of Disaster Assistance, and the PP. 23 on the Role of International Institutions and Foreign Institutions Non-Government in Disaster Relief. Third PP was published 2008 and has been effective since two months ago. The umbrella of this policy is the Law. 24 Year 2007 on Disaster Relief.
One of the interesting is highlighted for the PP. 23/2008. At the time of the tsunami Aceh and Nias, both foreign institutions and international organizations of foreign non-government organization (NGO foreign) race-race help. Until now, impressions overseas institutions that are still visible in the earth Serambi Mecca. But not clear how much money is the flow of foreign aid since the tsunami disaster until now. Understandably, some foreign agencies directly working with their partners in Indonesia.
Now, if later repeated similar disasters, both foreign institutions and international organizations and foreign NGOs can not directly vain provide assistance to local NGOs. They also can not the road alone because there are obligations to adjust the policy of the government version of disaster management.
PP 23 firmly stated: "In terms of international institutions or non-government institutions of foreign assistance funds must be delivered or sent directly via BNPB." BNPB is the National Disaster Relief Agency, which is non department. In the eyes of Aminuddin Kirom, Project Officer of Community Disaster Relief Indonesia (MPBI), the provisions of these policies in line with the spirit of a door in disaster management. This policy is intended to avoid any assistance that is not controlled and potentially misused.
In addition to the assistance fund should send directly to the account BNPB, international agencies and foreign NGOs is still burdened a line of other obligations. For example, prepare proposals, create and sign MoU, plus a work plan. In preparing the proposal, foreign institutions have to consult with representatives of Indonesia overseas. Questions agreement, but must be carried out under the coordination BNPB, involving Deplu. Meanwhile, concerning the work plan, BNPB can be arranged together with international agencies and foreign NGOs. This requirement, a requirement could actually diterobos if conditions in the emergency response.
If in such conditions, international agencies and foreign NGOs to the list of the number of personnel, logistics, equipment, location and activities. Soon, the approval or rejection of foreign agencies is the former head of BNPB. If approved, the PP 23, the Government will provide protection for foreign workers to run its work in Indonesia. However, not explained in more detailed form of protection referred to.
Even if protected, the Government has to provide unequivocal line. The foreign workers are prohibited from conducting activities that background or political security. What categories of activities that enter the political and security determined by the Head of BNPB with intelligence and security agencies. One that is not less important, international agencies and foreign NGOs should consider and respect the social culture and religion, local residents where they work.
Written on 6:30 PM by wacana
Claims Society in the case of Lapindo
Mud and Legal Problems
Lapindo hot mud spurt in the first Siring village, Porong Subdistrict, Sidoarjo regency of East Java on Monday 29 May 2006 at around 06.00. Spot spraying is located about 100 meters west Well Banjar Panji 1 owned by PT Lapindo Brantas. In a calligrapher (Kompas published in the Wednesday 6 September 2006) Eep Saefulloh Fatah stated that: while researchers from the University of Airlangga, Dr. Suparto Wijoyo, that Lapindo Brantas has been violation of the law dozen industry, konserasi, environment, roads, traffic, oil and gas, spatial, mining, agrarian, health, water resources, even terrorism. In another paper, Fredrik J. Pinakunary stated that the use of the Law No. 23 of 1997 on Environmental Management (Law PLH) is not appropriate. System of criminal responsibility that requires the public or omission of the day is not very profitable for many people who have become victims mud.
Pinakunary According to the criminal responsibility of the system only requires absolute knowledge and acts of the accused. This means that the act is the defendant knows or is aware of the potential losses for other parties, the situation is enough for the demands of the criminal pertangungjawaban: "Kongkretnya not need to be proven whether Lapindo has the elements of negligent or accidental, but the drilling activities that ultimately cause the mud flood damage the environment is sufficient to penalize the company "(hal.219). In this case, the judges function as a 'living interpretator' that can capture the spirit of community justice. Pinakunary cite Thohari in his writings in the Kompas some time before, stated that law enforcement is not just important, but enforcement was made (p. 220).
Mud and the Weak Governance
At the beginning of the disaster the government behave very slow. No disaster management coordination between the central and local governments. Saefulloh Fatah stated that the problem of mud in the face of this government is very weak and not able to deal with both. "During the almost two years of work, the government Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) - Muhammad Jusuf Kalla (JK) as the government is good and correct, but failed to prove they are strong." (P. 191). According to Saefulloh Fatah cases involving the mud is a contradiction various interests, also has interests pertumbukan internal governance. This means that the interest to take reasonable steps in, firmly, quickly and comprehensively dealing with the interest of saving themselves from the possibility liable in the political and legal. However, the problem is the Bakrie group should be responsible financially in very large scale. However, tire
respect the halt the Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare will have a firmness and strength to take the necessary policies. Truly wretched if confidence, firmness and courage of President and Vice President any doubt (p. 192).
In the end date of 24 June 2007 screaming victims receive envoy mud in Cikeas Bogor. The victims describe macetnya compensation payment according the Government's decision. Found that the regulations do not traveled with the president is correct, eventually SBY is decided over three days in Sidoarjo. Of course, this attitude should be the President diapresiasi as a strength of the President to defend the victim. Emha Ainun Najib said that when he was writing the epilog on 18 September 2008, the number of victims who paid 20 percent advance in accordance with the Education Yes. 14 news events of 9463 a total area of land and buildings. This means more than 94 percent of the amount of the victim's family has received advance payment of 20 percent - not much different from the agreed deadlines Education. The remaining 80 percent of the amount that must be paid by Lapindo should be paid at the latest in May 2008. Currently, after more than 2 years and the disaster happened, and exactly one year after
This book was published, we hope matters indemnity payment money has been finished completely.
Conclusion: as the Public Access Control
However, based on data from the official site Lapindo victims, Chairman of the Ad Hoc team of human rights violations Lapindo mud, Syafrudin Ngulma Simeulue said there has been no development means that after the signing of the agreement with the victims of Lapindo and the government on Aug. 29. Even as news of the Jakarta Post quoted the site, up to the Idul Fitri and new, Lapindo victims of the refugees still have not received clarity when the remaining compensation will be paid 80 percent. One refugee, Muhayatin (38) who were interviewed stated that he has received 20 percent down payment of 42 million rupiah 2 years ago. However, the money is already out for the day-to-day needs. Meanwhile, according to the Head of Public Relations BPLS (Lumpur Sidoarjo Management Agency) Ahmad Teorima, payment of the remaining 80 percent will be slow to most dituntaskan later in 2010. From the description of the last victims of Lapindo above, the scheme of payment per 20:80
cents a clearly defined government does not benefit the victims Lumpur Lapindo to set up their lives again.
Similarly, prevention efforts are not luberan mud could be. Discard the mud to the sea via rivers or Scone with piped disposal, have various problems that must be dituntaskan. Some time ago the residents of villages into exile rejected the Porong river of mud that resulted pendangkalan at risk of river and cause flooding when the rainy season.
This book is a collection of coverage, writing or opinions, and the Title Plan which was published in Kompas daily between 2006 and 2007 about Lumpur Lapindo and the efforts of handling. This book is full enough with the results of the data writing Kompas journalists and observers. Reading the books again this year after issuance, as if to invite us to check and recheck the top of the mud disaster penuntasan this problem. Unfortunately the government did not create a system where the public can have broad access to monitor each time the efforts penuntasan disaster problems. Monitoring by the public can ensure and protect the victims to be treated fairly. This becomes important in the current system of capitalism media, large corporations easier to control public opinion. Often, the interests of large corporations more easily expressed by the mass media, compared to the interests of small people.
Publishing books about the disaster mud can be a means of monitoring system of disaster management. Indeed, the monitoring system will be far more effective and efficient use media website. However, any publication of this book is still useful. This book also features a graphic showing very interesting, although black-white, not as original in the newspaper. Caricature works Jitet Koestana used on the front cover of this book is very interesting. However, this book covers the face can be processed more that can represent how the size of the problem is Lapindo mud disaster.
Editor: Aloysius BL Soni de Rosari
Cover design: AN. Rahmawanta
Cover illustration: Jitet Koestana
Epilog: Emha Ainun Nadjib
Jakarta, Kompas Book Publishers, 2007
462 pages
Cover: http://grafisosial.files.wordpress.com/
Written on 6:00 PM by wacana
UN Stresses Need to Make Hospitals Safe from Disasters
8 October 2008 – United Nations officials are marking the International Day for Disaster Reduction with a call to invest more to make hospitals safe in the event of natural hazards such as earthquakes and cyclones, stressing that doing so not only saves lives but is highly cost-effective.
Hospital safety is the theme of this year’s Day, which falls on the third anniversary of the earthquake in South Asia – a disaster which destroyed 73 per cent of the health facilities in the affected area of Pakistan.
The observance also takes on particular significance in a year that has seen its fair share of natural disasters, ranging from Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar and the Wenchuan earthquake in China to a series of deadly storms in the Caribbean.
In his message for the Day, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon noted that when health facilities are damaged, so, too, is the ability to improve maternal and child health and to provide other essential health services.
“But in resilient communities, health systems are better able to withstand natural hazards,” he stated. “We need to mobilize society at every level to reduce risk and protect health facilities so that they can save lives.”
We need to mobilize society at every level to reduce risk and protect health facilities so that they can save lives.
He added that, now more than ever, when the world is trying to accelerate national and international efforts to achieve the global anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), disaster risk reduction needs to be acknowledged and incorporated as a key plank of that work.
“We must build health centres and systems to withstand natural hazards and major emergencies,” said Margaret Chan, Director-General of the UN World Health Organization (WHO). “If we don’t, lives will be lost needlessly – both when hazards strike and in their aftermath.”
Sàlvano Briceño, the head of the Secretariat of the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) added that vulnerable health facilities are a major drain on national finances. “The immediate cost of disaster damage to health systems can deal serious blows to national budgets – but only a 4 per cent initial investment in disaster protection can make most health facilities safe.”
In the area of Myanmar affected by Cyclone Nargis, 57 per cent of all health facilities suffered damage and one in five was completely destroyed. During China’s Wenchuan earthquake, 11,028 medical institutions were damaged – repairing them and completely rebuilding 169 hospitals is part of an overall $150 billion recovery budget.
“Making hospitals safe from disasters is highly cost-effective,” Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs John Holmes underscored yesterday at a news conference, adding that this requires a joint effort from all actors in society.
“If we’re going to achieve this goal of safer hospitals, everybody needs to act, we need action from governments, we need action from the United Nations, from international agencies, from regional agencies, from NGOs (non-governmental organizations), health institutions, donor community, financial institutions, and also professional associations.”
Mr. Holmes, who is also UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, will be inviting government representatives in New York today to hear from countries that suffered major disasters.
Meanwhile in Bangkok, ISDR and the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) are marking the Day with a discussion on hospital and school safety. In addition, ASEAN is awarding a prize to three winners of a regional competition, which invited children from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam draw or paint a disaster resilient hospital, school or house which could contribute to make their communities better protected against disasters.
Written on 8:35 PM by wacana
Dota Addict by Kusaeni
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The economic crisis that occurred in the United States into evidence sakaratul death free market system.
During the neo-list of this blog has collapsed. One of the pillars of liberalism buffer is a free market economy. Let the "invicible hand" set up by law "of supply and demand."
Give the freedom of the total flow of capital, goods and services. Free market credo is that the market is not regulated and Interfered is the best way to encourage economic growth. Only through the free market economic growth can be achieved.
Economist-free market economist defense is confident that "The best government is the least government." These economists, that Indonesia is known as the Berkeley Mafia, often berguyon that the most rapid economic growth in the evenings, when the government is Sleep.
It turns out that the free market is no longer valid in the country to become a vortex dinamonya. Hence, economic growth so anjlog with a very free market. Hence the government of George W Bush can not sleep, how to intervene and try to handcuff the "invisible hand".
Bush dilemma facing serious financial crisis facing heaviest depression years after 1930's. The government decided to intervene. On the approval of the U.S. Congress, Bush menggelontorkan funds talangan more than one trillion dollars in order to save Lehman Brothers and the giant companies that Wall Street collapse.
"We must act," Bush said in front of Congress.
He does not believe that the more miraculous hands can utilize their own financial crisis that the U.S. and berimbas the entire international economic governance.
Already Broadcast
Mistrust of the economic liberalization has actually dikumandangkan experts and politicians in the United States alone. 7 edition of Newsweek magazine in January 2008 to load paper A columnist Robert Samuelson entitled "Welcome to stay on Free Trade."
Samuelson explained that the emergence of liberalization along with the crisis year 1929. Time is the belief that U.S. protectionist intensifying depression. Factors emergence liberasisasi also encouraged by the Cold War situation.
There is a belief that communism can be with each other stretches Western countries through free trade. At a certain point is there. When communism collapsed and socialism bubarnya crumble with the Soviet Union, the West and celebrate the victory of "truth" of the system of liberalism communism / socialism.
Francis Fukuyama even dare to say is tumbangnya communism time, then history has died. Fukuyama writing the book "The End of History" to designate a new era after the Cold War. A new era of the world where democracy and economic liberalization that will be the value respectively. A new era that will make the world more peaceful and more prosperous under the auspices of capitalism.
Since the time where the United States as the only country Adidaya, both in politics and economy, then there is no obstruction to disseminate democracy and liberalization. U.S. obsessed to make the entire country in the world to become democracies, as "fellow democracies do not fight each other."
Said the country was still not as democratic Iraq, Iran and North Korea, should be exempt. When necessary, democracy was under armed robbery. Dictatorship like Saddam Hussein must be defeated. U.S. soldiers were to be. Invasion and done.
Countries that have not implement free trade must be pressed and didikucilkan. Barriers to tariffs must be removed. Free space on the international trade and investment such as AFTA, NAFTA, or the area of free trade area should be opened selebar-width.
Institutions, international financial institutions such as the World Bank and IMF as the tool for economic meliberalisasi countries that need financial assistance. Countries that refuse to join the WTO or reluctant restored by the economies of the IMF, given sanctions. Diembargo if necessary.
Garisnya very clear. Participatory democracy and liberalization or taste result. Diplomacy "carrot and the club" is usually the U.S..
That is the concept of binding regulations set by the "American Dream" that only a utopian. Democracy and economic liberalization had not dimimpikan the environment. When the Great Abuse (1929) and the Cold War no longer relevant, then lost the engine pendorongnya liberalization. It is predicted by experts in the U.S. economy, or the kind of Samuelson Joseph Stiglitz.
The world economy "boom" was also created understand liberalism weakened. China is regarded as a country that proteksionis and not liberal, it can be astonishing economic growth. Prof.. Kishore Mahbubani of Singapore predict China's economy will pass the U.S. in the tempo of less than ten years.
"We see the economy of the United States and Asia, which decreased the climb, especially China and India," he said.
In addition to economists, politicians also began to denounce the U.S. liberalization. Hillary Clinton campaign in every state theory, the theory underlying free trade is not valid anymore in the era of globalization.
If elected as president, as quoted edition of the Financial Times on December 3, 2007, Hillary states will review NAFTA trade agreement, despite the signing of 1993 is her husband own.
Treasure of the largest economic liberalization undertaken by the Bush government. Instead of letting the market mechanism in the Wall Street fortune himself, to give Bush the funds talangan without many requirements such as when the Bank of Indonesia menggelontorkan BLBI. There is no limit of time when refunded and the maximum limit of funds that dikucurkan. There is no requirement merestrukturisasi companies themselves.
The United States have been deviating from pakemnya own. If the U.S. is not believed to kredonya own, let alone the other. Perhaps the time has come for the world, such as dikumandangkan by Samuelson, to say "Welcome To Free Trade".
Died: economic liberalization. (*)
Written on 6:53 PM by wacana
Can scientists create an Early Warning System (EWS) for the Tsunami Early Warning System (TEWS)? Can an early warning system have an early warning system of its own, alerting the beneficiaries of such things as its failures, effectiveness, efficiency and if there is an absence of system sustainability?
Can scientists and policymakers create a self-reflective and robust EWS which guarantees accuracy, credibility, reliability, timeliness and transformability of information, resulting in a better response?
These are important questions for everyone who has an interest in a disaster risk-reduction policy -- but especially in Indonesia.
There have been huge investments during the past three years from both donor countries and the Indonesian national budget in TEWS technology -- soon to be officially operating. This paper serves as a constructive criticism regarding the lack of investment in the end users of TEWS -- the ordinary people in coastal cities and isolated rural areas.
It is important to note that the people at risk are the raison d'etre of TEWS, i.e., the technology exists for the people. Therefore, a TEWS's emphasis should be on the people and not the technology, despite the importance of technology as a means for achieving human security.
Unfortunately, in many TEWS project settings, technical instruments receive much attention, while efforts to increase a community's disaster risk education and awareness receive less attention -- holding only sporadic events such as tsunami drills and these mostly in urban areas.
In Hawaii, tsunami siren drills have been conducted for more than 25 years and a siren description has been available in the phone book for 45 years. Unfortunately, the public's recognition of the tsunami siren still remains low.
In Hilo, Chris Gregg and colleagues showed that of the 462 adult respondents who were aware of the drill, only 14 percent understood its meaning. Of 432 student respondents, only 3 percent understood the meaning.
The adult rate had increased marginally from the 5 percent recorded in the same area 47 years ago. Ten years ago, other research found that when the warning was given, many people went to the beach to watch the wave arrive and simply did not evacuate.
It is important to note that importing instruments from the United States and Japan, for instance, is much easier than importing the enabling conditions and incentive structures that have sustained EWSs in these countries for more than 40 years.
In addition, in selected indicators such as political stability, press freedom, voice and accountability, government effectiveness, and rule of law and regulatory quality, Indonesia's experience is far too low compared with the United States and Japan.
These are the governance and institutional settings that play a central role in a TEWS's sustainability. Even though further scrutiny is needed, sociologically speaking, the establishment of a TEWS should be seen as an exercise of power by the government for the protection of the people.
Government effectiveness determines sustainability of a TEWS. It also reflects the quality of services delivered by Indonesia's state bureaucrats working along the TEWS chains. This power exercise often neglects grassroots concerns and risk priorities.
Furthermore, there are questions about how TEWS officers and scientists sitting in front of high-tech computers with 24/7 connections with satellites can be receptive to grassroots feedback. In their recent paper, Havid*n Rodrmguez and colleagues emphasized the necessity of feedback and accountability in the early warning systems.
They conclude that "the payoffs of increasing technological sophistication and improving lead time may reach a point of diminishing returns in which morbidity will not come down and in fact may increase in the absence of socially based programs to educate the public and facilitate their understanding of tsunami related information."
A case study of the 1999 Orissa Super Cyclone in India showed that the spatial distribution of risk followed the pattern of economic inequality. The warning systems better serve the haves and not the have-nots. This is easy to explain because a better off family has a better decision support system for the cyclone EWS system.
The case of Orissa, India, is a good case study. The cyclone EWS had a longer lead time to save lives but failed. How can Indonesia then guarantee safety with a TEWS, when tsunamis have shorter lead times, to the poorest of the poor in isolated regions, so that they may have access to warning services as well?
The other challenge is the grassroots response to disaster risk knowledge. The UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) describes risk knowledge as the first step to a people-centered EWS. However, in a country like Indonesia (an archipelago with 17,000 islands) knowledge of TEWS and disaster risk cannot easily be transmitted unless the knowledge infrastructures supported by information and communication technology are in place.
The writer is PhD Candidate, Research on Disaster Risk Governance, BIGS-DR-ZEF, University of Bonn, Germany.
Written on 7:42 PM by wacana
Disaster Management or disaster management or disaster response that the concentration of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia should comply with or rely on the vision and mission of the Department of themselves. In this case, the disaster management must be related to changes in attitudes and behavior of social welfare development targets, namely the problem of Social Welfare to the functioning of the social good of individuals, groups and communities and the environment, especially the victims of the disaster.
More information about this Drs. ANDI-HANINDITO former Kasubdit. Emergency Response - now Director of Social Assistance in Disaster Victims Social DEPSOS RI decompose in depth and scientific with the title "DISASTER MANAGEMENT reviewed PERSPECTIVES FROM SOCIAL ASSISTANCE" which was delivered on the 5th Asian Crisis Management Conference in Singapore dated 24 October 2007 .
A. Understanding of Disaster Management
Disaster management process is a dynamic, integrated and continues to improve the quality of the steps related to the observation and analysis, and disaster prevention, mitigation, preparedness, early warning, emergency handling, rehabilitation and reconstruction of the disaster.
B. Destination Disaster Management
In general, intended for disaster management:
1. Prevent and limit the number of human victims and destruction of property and the environment
2. Eliminate suffering and hardship in the lives of the victims and
3. To restore the victims of the disaster area shelter / evacuation to their areas of origin, if possible, or merelokasi to new areas that huni feasible and safe.
4. To restore the function of major public facilities, such as communication / transportation, drinking water, electricity and telephone, including to restore the economic and social life of the affected areas.
5. Reduce the losses and damage further.
6. Leaving the basics needed to the implementation of rehabilitation and reconstruction activities in the context of development
C. Main Principles of Disaster Management
1. No two disasters are the same (there are no two on Alike license), although the type of disaster and the same location.
2. Effectiveness and efficiency in disaster management will be determined by the control of the characteristics of each disaster, and clarity of the key aspects as follows:
a. Target and other hazards that will occur
b. Local resources available
c. Forms of organization needed disaster management.
d. Planning fulfillment when the disaster occurred.
e. Actions must be done by sector and the insertion point in the cycle of disaster management (prevention, mitigation, preparedness, early warning, emergency response, restoration, rehabilitation and reconstruction).
f. Education, training, personnel management and development of a disaster continues.
g. Welfare personnel-personnel disaster.
3. The cash assistance is a form of disaster management the most good.
D. Disaster Management Mechanism
Disaster management mechanism consists of:
1. Internal or informal mechanisms, namely the elements in the location of the disaster, which generally carry the first and main function in disaster management and often called the natural disaster management mechanism, consisting of family, social organizations, informal (teaching, service death, the activities kegotong royongan, arisan and so forth) and the local community.
2. External or formal mechanism, the organization that deliberately formed for the purpose of disaster management, for example Indonesia is BAKORNAS PB, Satlak SATKORLAK PB and PB.
E. Social assistance is to support all:
1. Fulfillment of physical, mental and social disaster victims may be appropriate seoptimal actual local conditions.
2. Improving the ability, motivation and role of disaster victims in various activities, restoration, rehabilitation and reconstruction.
3. Problem-solving psychosocial disaster victims and to restore and improve social roles.
4. Prevention and mitigation of various losses to the victims of the disaster in the event of a disaster in the future.
5. Increased support from all elements in society continues in handling the emergency, restoration, rehabilitation and reconstruction.
F. The form and type of Social Assistance
1. Social Assistance
a. Physical
b. Non-Physical
2. Type of Social Assistance
a. Ready for Use
b. Processing
c. Additional / Pelengkap
G. Implement Disaster Management Line of Social Assistance
1. Field of Social Assistance is one of the strategic aspects of disaster management.
2. Implementation of the field of social assistance to become part of disaster response can not be done and must be partially intact in one unit, which are interrelated because the approaches used in the field of social assistance penanggulaangan disaster management based on the disaster that divided the disaster management cycle, namely before, during and after.
3. Guidelines for implementing the field of social assistance in disaster management is part of the social policy (Social Policy) in which the general principles to determine the options and make decisions on the condition that no / not yet known or conditions that may occur in the future 4. Implementation of Social Assistance in the field of disaster prevention programs formulated in the form of disaster management field of social assistance.
5. Disaster management program of social assistance sectors include:
a. Social Assistance, which is shaped with the help and protection to focus on the impact of the disaster, temporary (Temporary Impact)
a. Social Rehabilitation, which shaped the physical and non-physical, with a focus on the impact of the disaster for the permanent (Permanent Impact)
b. Social empowerment, namely the form of strengthening and development with a focus on the impact of disasters for sustainable development (Sustainable Impact)
6. Results are expected from all over the field of disaster management activities of social assistance is fulfilling the needs of disaster victims to be able to live fairly.
7. So that the process of disaster management field of social assistance running the systemic and holistic approach must place the target and users as well as actors on the subject of the community itself. For the community needs to be improved capacity of their ability to manage itself more capable and potential that can be considered to support their own needs proportionally. In this case the role of government is only as a facilitator and regulator.
8. The role and responsibility of the people who played in the disaster response system should be in the government's policy for disaster management through CBDM Program (Community Based Disaster Management).
9. Some Reasons CBDM about the importance of Program
a. Coverage and extensive spread
b. The limited ability of the Government
c. The potential and resources of the community is very big but has not managed in a professional
d. The effectiveness of the implementation of disaster management with a decentralized system of government is to strengthen and expand the potential Front Liner as spearheads
e. The efficiency of resource mobilization assistance, access network systems and information and communication point of coordination can be done using the command system, especially when the emergency response / emergency to empower, and the place assigned the role of those key elements of the community who are trained to make decisions quickly and not subject to bureaucratic mechanisms.
10.Manfaat Program CBDM
a. Strengthening the psychological ties that will indirectly strengthen the emotional level of the individual
b. Lessen the level of dependency on government
c. Increasing the culture of mutual cooperation and togetherness d. Accelerating the process of action / reaction, especially when the disaster occurred
e. Makes it easier to equate the perception of risk / danger of disaster
f. Activate the potential and resources of local
g. Strengthening unity and national solidarity
11.Strategi Program CBDM
a. Build command centers based on community
b. Setting a key person
c. Activities contain materials to increase the capacity of the community periodically through training, counseling, rehearsal and simulation .
Indicators of success of disaster management field of social assistance is determined by the role of the community itself, for all the activities in each region or regions will not be the same because it is affected by the situation, the environment and local culture. All the provisions / guidelines and rules related to disaster management field of social assistance should be applied, flexible and dynamic The main work of the most serious by the Government at this time is the "Main Set" The people from dependence to be independent in disaster response before help came from outside (to help them self) .
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Written on 7:30 PM by wacana
Interview Arifin Purwakananta October 1st, 2008
So-talking style sidelines of a simple and unadorned often terlontar shock-shock. Creativity and fresh ideas, humorous man like this never interrupted and continues to flow. Broad interests. No wonder he became the champion and head of the class in the school, climb mountains, race adzan win, play musical instruments Flute, studying violin in a self-taught, became assistant lecturer at the campus, never to become champion of our international invitation Up Shield. Activist charity that had become trainers techniques creative thinking when a student of Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, this is always skittish in contributing thoughts about various things. Responding to the issues of disaster, for example, the idea of the concept Kampung Disaster Response, which was diseminarkan at Al-Azhar Islamic University of Jakarta in 2006 and received a positive response from participants of the seminar. By rekaulang national disaster response system through efforts to bring law and the This is still digodog House, a social activist who was the Director of the Institute of Management Zakah this, toss ideas around the national disaster response system that paradigmatik and the role of strategic management organization charity (OPZ) in the system.
Disaster response system in Indonesia is not yet integrated and weak in its implementation.
Arifin smile when this get to him. He was responding to the positive. "It needs time and collective wisdom to create a national system of good," he said, opening the discussion. He hopes that Indonesia will better handle the disaster.
Menururt Arifin, the fact that Indonesia's geographical position to become the center of the ring of fire, the vessel is the world's countries with a potential disaster. World record Krakatau eruption and tsunami that swallowed hundreds of thousands of lives and perhaps the super-volcano eruption in North Sumatra and the vibrations felt throughout the world. Not to disasters such as a small earthquake and landslides, fires, floods or even a disaster such as social unrest, etc.. This situation will make Indonesia has rich experience with various kinds of disaster. Sepahit anything, this can be seen as one of our potential in developing disaster response system is good, certainly through the system and the most advanced technology. "She is a world will learn menangangani disaster and minimize the sacrifice of our experience," Arifin connect optimistic.
Marut vulgar Handling Disasters
Arifin assess the handling of the disaster in Indonesia is still colored by a central command structure jelasan and regional infrastructure agencies handling disaster is a unit of ad hoc experience of the poor, and a preference jelasan decision making of a disaster is considered a national disaster or not, again, this berimbas policy on the provision of central funds. If dirunut started from the lack of rule of law and good umbrella. However this can be improved if the leadership at the national level and in the regions they hold by the back up system information and making decisions that strong. Furthermore kecarut-marutan handling of the disaster in Indonesia also is blowing from the runway and the paradigm of thinking that long and we should leave. Kemandegan paradigm for handling this disaster, which culminate on mandulnya entire program that is handling the disaster.
Kiss goodbye her dream about who should take the main role in handling a national disaster. Is it a form must dikomandoi agency coordination by the President / vice president or a permanent institution at the department. This debate must not stop here. Brings in a committee or agency can handle a disaster of such complex. There are still many form of alternative systems for example, a similar concept HANKAMRATA (defense and security of the people), which means that the system that involve the public in handling emergency conditions. As an example. Not yet on the policy of providing funds and disaster management, coordination issues and so forth. "Kecarutmarutan handling of the disaster became just the second disaster following the disaster actually," Arifin information. Not surprisingly, instead of handling the disaster, we often heard news of the officials involved in corruption even disaster funds.
Disaster Response System, which Paradigmatik
"We need a new disaster response system that paradigmatik," Arifin row, this time with a serious face shape. Arifin understand this idea as a way of perceiving ketanggap-bencanaan with a new way that is more comprehensive and integrated. This concept is considered all the dimensions that may be related, such as human, time, resources, cultural, economic, geososial, technology, etc., in handling the disaster.
For example, we must consider the human as the subject of all this disaster response system. This means better management, disaster response professionals, volunteers, and the victim is the same player from the main discourse of disaster response. This will result in disaster response system that will place the position of the human role in the operation. Awareness of the dimensions of time will cause the system of early prevention and disaster control, emergency response and disaster recovery.
Therefore, we also need to consider the dimensions of resources or other form of cultural, economic, etc. geososial. with a more comprehensive and terinstegrasi. Such as to disaster prevention and READINESS: we need to strengthen the concept of early warning system that a modern, strengthening the culture and folklore of disaster response, planologi and tataruang the victims and prevent the creation of emergency facilities if necessary, to protect the architecture of the building, the social institution, even the concept of education the concept of economic social care and disaster response will be to prevent or reduce as a result of the disaster. "This idea can be tested and didetilkan become a disaster response system alternative, the team needs to contain some friends who are experts in the field and want to care," Arifin information.
Get the opportunity from the wallet Dhuafa to manage the handling of natural disasters landslides in various areas such as Jasinga west Java, the earthquake in Bundaberg, the earthquake in Sukabumi, SR 7.2 earthquake in Bengkulu, Jakarta flood, tsunami in the Banggai Islands Sulteng, flooding in Bundibugyo said, during the between 2000 through 2004, making Arifin have hours of flying sizeable handling of the disaster. He always involved in the team pengananan such as the tsunami disaster in Aceh, Yogyakarta earthquake and the Sumatera earthquake early March 2007.
Organization Manager of the role of Zakah
To respond to the fact OPZ less signigfikannya role in disaster response for this, Arifin who served as General Manager of Resources Mobilization Baznas Wallet Dhuafa is considered it as a process. "Although impressed sporadically and independently, OPZ role in the handling of the disaster this time can not be small," continued. We see the reality in almost all disaster and the humanitarian tragedy in the last 5 years is always just suck OPZ and philanthropic institution based Islamic down to help others. Some even OPZ establish special units of the disaster and diligently to open the wallet and humanitarian disaster. "As a potential, OPZ have the strength as a strategic part in the important concept of disaster response," continued the father of two daughters of this.
Potential is Arifin is the presence of social infrastructure including the ability to mobilize community volunteers who are owned by OPZ in the role as a human institution, the availability of public funds as a backup for disaster management and preparedness of OPZ in the post-disaster assistance community in a long period of time in the role as amil charity. The last is the creation of facilities Baitul Maal the economic locomotive social security system in the community, create a system that captures the public. Three potential for this to become a strategic function OPZ. So OPZ not only mengalang funds and submitted to the location of the disaster.
Handling of the disaster response with the involvement of the community as a subject is a recent concept, and mustinya OPZ institutions, including the most ready to implement it in the. Living in the future if the national OPZ-OPZ able mengkordinir institutions so that they become a more significant force, "here later FOZ can play a role," Arifin close further discussion. [p]
source: http://forumzakat.net
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Written on 7:07 PM by wacana
On the one hand, there is a ban on political activity and run security. But on the other hand, the Government provides insurance protection to foreign workers.
Indonesia is a country prone to disaster! Warning that repeatedly echoed, especially after the Aceh tsunami disaster a few years ago. AB Susanto management experts stressed that the country as a disaster, the people of Indonesia can assign. But it does not mean submission to bersimpuh without action. Disaster and it must be faced, prevented, and the impact be minimized.
When the introduction to his book gives Disaster Management Affairs in disaster-prone, AB Susanto said that the handling of the disaster can not be relied on spontaneity. Spontaneity means without the plan. Therefore, the Government must manage well with the disaster planning that well.
In the context that the government finally issued a package of disaster management policy in the form of Government Regulation (PP). Third, regulation is the PP. 21 of the Disaster Relief Organization, PP. 22 on Funding and Management of Disaster Assistance, and the PP. 23 on the Role of International Institutions and Foreign Institutions Non-Government in Disaster Relief. Third PP was published 2008 and has been effective since two months ago. The umbrella of this policy is the Law. 24 Year 2007 on Disaster Relief.
One of the interesting is highlighted for the PP. 23/2008. At the time of the tsunami Aceh and Nias, both foreign institutions and international organizations of foreign non-government organization (NGO foreign) race-race help. Until now, impressions overseas institutions that are still visible in the earth Serambi Mecca. But not clear how much money is the flow of foreign aid since the tsunami disaster until now. Understandably, some foreign agencies directly working with their partners in Indonesia.
Now, if later repeated similar disasters, both foreign institutions and international organizations and foreign NGOs can not directly vain provide assistance to local NGOs. They also can not the road alone because there are obligations to adjust the policy of the government version of disaster management.
PP 23 firmly stated: "In terms of international institutions or non-government institutions of foreign assistance funds must be delivered or sent directly via BNPB." BNPB is National Disaster Relief Agency, which is non department. In the eyes of Aminuddin Kirom, Project Officer of Community Disaster Relief Indonesia (MPBI), the provisions of these policies in line with the spirit of a door in disaster management. This policy is intended to avoid any assistance that is not controlled and potentially misused.
In addition to the assistance fund should send directly to the account BNPB, international agencies and foreign NGOs is still burdened a line of other obligations. For example, prepare proposals, create and sign MoU, plus a work plan. In preparing the proposal, foreign institutions have to consult with representatives of Indonesia overseas. Questions agreement, but must be carried out under the coordination BNPB, involving Deplu. Meanwhile, concerning the work plan, BNPB can be arranged together with international agencies and foreign NGOs. This requirement, a requirement could actually diterobos if conditions in the emergency response.
If in such conditions, international agencies and foreign NGOs to the list of the number of personnel, logistics, equipment, location and activities. Soon, the approval or rejection of foreign agencies is the former head of BNPB. If approved, the PP 23, the Government will provide protection for foreign workers to run its work in Indonesia. However, not explained in more detailed form of protection referred to.
Even if protected, the Government has to provide unequivocal line. The foreign workers are prohibited from conducting activities that background or political security. What categories of activities that enter the political and security determined by the Head of BNPB with intelligence and security agencies. One that is not less important, international agencies and foreign NGOs should consider and respect the social culture and religion, local residents where they work.
http: /www.hukumonline.com
Written on 8:58 PM by wacana
ImageBloomsbury Publishing Plc., Great Britain, 2008. Paperback, ₤12.99, 390 pp. Available at Amazon, US$17.16. For Paul Roberts, the end of food, like the end of days, is just a matter of time. It could be avian influenza, which he calls only one of a “number of bullets that could plausibly strike the modern food system. A sharp spike in the price of oil, a series of extreme weather events, an outbreak of some new plant disease, the depletion of some critical aquifer, all would send massive and potentially disrupting shock waves through a system that, despite advances in areas such as bio-security, is losing more and more of its overall flexibility and resilience by the week.”
In exhaustive study of the world’s industrial food system that took him from the United States to China to Indonesia to Africa to Russia, Roberts, the author of the critically –acclaimed The End of Oil, paints a picture of looming catastrophe, of a system that has grown dangerously distorted, with perhaps a billion people starving at one end of it and 1.5 billion overweight at the other. Roberts blames industrial agriculture, which he charges is depleting soils, emptying underground aquifers, overloading the planet with both fertilizers and pesticides, turning more and more forest – the planet’s green lung – into farmland. Even without a pandemic or natural catastrophe, Roberts writes, it is only going to take perhaps 10 to 20 years before the world’s expanding population faces disaster. What he calls the epicentre of a perfect storm is probably going to be Asia. The mathematics appear to be inexorable for China and India in particular, both of which are demanding more protein in their diets. As he points out, it takes seven kilograms of feed to produce a single kilo of meat. As the Chinese and Indians take increasingly to a meat diet, the ability of the world to produce it will be unbearably strained. Already, vast areas of tropical rainforest, the world’s green lung, are being levelled for pasture. As rainforest comes down it produces growing amounts of carbon dioxide. Indonesia is the world’s largest contributor to greenhouse gases despite the fact that it has little industry and relatively few combustion engines. “Although the catalyst could occur anywhere on the planet,” he writes, “Asia’s massive population, the rapid growth of its food sector and the yawing gap between that sector and the capabilities of its medical and political systems suggest that Asia’s odds of being the lead domino are quite high.” In just the last couple of months, China has proven the concerns over its food system are tragically real. At least 53,000 people were stricken from milk and infant formula which had been adulterated by melamine. As many as 13,000 people have been hospitalized with kidney stones and renal failure. It wasn’t fly-by-night companies that added melamine to their milk products. It was such widely known and respected companies as Mengniu Dairy, Sanlu Group, Yili and others. In one fascinating chapter, Roberts describes the introduction of antibiotics into animal feed, which began in the 1950s, when it was discovered that fish below a Lederle Laboratories facility on the Hudson River were gaining both size and weight after feeding on the laboratory’s discharge, which contained tetracycline. In the wake of that discovery, Roberts writes …”the tetracycline was treating the intestinal infections that are routine in closely confined farm animals, and …calories that normally would have been consumed by the chicks' immune systems were going instead to make bigger muscles and bones….Other researchers soon confirmed that low, subtherapeutic doses of tetracycline increased growth in turkeys, calves, and pigs by as much as 50 percent, and later studies showed that antibiotics made cows give more milk and caused pigs to have more litters, more piglets per litter, and piglets with larger birth weights”. >From that point on, the use of antibiotics, particularly penicillins, tetracyclines, macrolides, lincosamides, streptogramins, aminoglycosides, and sulfonamides, soared upwards in animal feeds. It is estimated by the Union of Concerned Scientists that farm animals in the US are fed 24.6 million pounds of antibiotics per year. Of the medically important antibiotics used as feed additives, 69 percent are fed to hogs, 19 percent to broiler chickens and 12 percent to beef cattle, according to the Environmental Defense Fund in June 2005. That raises the seeming inevitability that as microbes mutate to find their way around all those antibiotics, superbugs will be created – and, in fact, Roberts writes – already are, resulting in almost unstoppable pandemics. But in addition to the possible creation of superbugs from all those antibiotics, the larger question is what industrial farming is doing to the earth itself in terms of the destruction of topsoil, the elimination of noncommercial species of fruits and vegetables and seeming scores of other problems. In particular, Roberts finds a systemic disparity in the whole agriculture sphere. The big chains – retailers like supermarkets and other outlets – keep cutting the prices they pay to farmers because their margins are so small. The only way growers can make it is by increasing production and reducing per-unit costs, which adds to the amount of food produced, which leads to cheaper prices, which causes the retailers to cut prices, generating a vicious circle. There are so many things wrong with the current industrial food chain that it appears virtually impossible to know where to start to clean it up. Roberts’ answer doesn’t seem to be a viable answer – refashioning the food economy around a more sustainable model. Only one country, Roberts writes, has found a way to do that, and that’s Communist Cuba, which was forced to do so after the fall of the Soviet Union and the oil, fertilizers, pesticides and other elements of large-scale agribusiness that the Communist bloc had supplied disappeared. Cuba, at that point, was forced to radically transform its agricultural system, de-industrializing the system. State-owned farms were broken into cooperatives and hundreds of thousands of workers were reallocated to jobs on farms. Because of the lack of fuel, farmers switched from tractors to beasts of burden. Crops were rotated and interplanted and pest management was integrated. “The results,” he writes, “have almost been Chinalike. Although Cubans are still short of meat and dairy products, per capita intake has recovered so completely that the country now leads most developing nations in nearly all nutrition and food-security categories.” But doing that required El Jefe – Fidel Castro, one of the world’s last dictators, who could order hundreds of thousands out of the factories and onto the farms. It would be difficult, as Roberts acknowledges, for a country to mobilize its people without a one-party state filled with political prisons. And despite its agricultural model, there are still thousands of people taking to the boats to get the 90 miles across to the United States. Just last week, Cuba once again had to ration food in the wake of a devastating tropical storm. What Roberts touches on only glancingly is the real problem -- the world is rapidly becoming overburdened with too many people to feed, no matter what agricultural system is in place. China earned the world’s condemnation by instituting its Draconian one-child policy, but as a Chinese official once told reporters, what if they hadn’t done it? Half a billion people haven’t been born because of that policy, and China is largely food-sufficient, at least for now. It has taken a long time for Malthus to be right, but it is finally starting to look like the capacity of agriculture to transform itself is strained to the limit, and now Malthus indeed is starting to be right. Not even Dracon himself could force the rest of world into adopting such a policy as the Chinese have. But the embrangled agricultural policy that Roberts describes so well in this book is a symptom of overpopulation, of having to feed too many people on too few resources. The breakdown in the system that appears inevitable is going to come about because there are too many mouths to feed, no matter what system feeds them.Book Review: The End of Food: The Coming Crisis in the World Food Industry By John Berthelsen Monday, 13 October 2008
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Written on 6:32 PM by wacana
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The developing countries must be able to share experience and expertise in the field of disaster risk management that no longer depend on the developed countries.
It is presented by the Director of Technical Cooperation Ministry of Foreign after heishin Andayani opening ceremony of the International Workshop of the Disaster Risk Management of South-South on Climate Change Adaptation in Jakarta, Tuesday.
"We think the more developed countries will respect the developing countries if developing countries can work hand to hand to solve the problem tidaklagi too dependent on the developed countries," he said.
In that case, he continued, Indonesia has attempted to play an active role in realizing its commitment to share experiences and knowledge with the developing countries in the region.
"Indonesia is on training, workshops, internship opportunities in various sectors of development," he said.
According to heishin, a program of disaster risk management workshop that was attended by representatives from 13 countries this is also one of Indonesia's commitment in the spirit of cooperation.
Deplu Meanwhile, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (victims), UNDP Special Unit for South cooperation and South-GNB organize an international workshop on improving cooperation South-South in the management of natural disasters in the Asia Pacific region with focus on Climate Change Adaptation in the 14-17 October 2008.
The event was attended by 30 participants dari13 developing countries in the Asia Pacific region, namely, Bangladesh, China, Fiji, the Philippines, India, Laos, Maldives, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor Leste, Vietnam and Indonesia.
Organizing the workshop is aimed to promote the capacity and experience of various agencies and institutions in Indonesia in the field of disaster risk management (disaster risk management / DRM) and adaptation to climate change (Climate change adaptation / CCA) in handling various natural disasters in Indonesia to the countries participants training as a forum and exchange of experiences and ideas between Indonesia with the countries participants.
The workshop is also expected to build a network between participants and experts DRM and CCA. The same network also is expected to be established between the institutions that deal and have the attention in the field of DRM and CCA.
As the area is vulnerable to natural disasters and the impact of global climate change, countries in the Asia Pacific region, most of which are developing countries requires a cooperation mechanism in order to cope with the impact, both in the field of social and economic development.
Written on 5:35 PM by wacana
Did you know that vegetarian lifestyle can help penangkalan global warming? Understandably 20 percent gas, carbon dioxide emission come from cattle that we eat. In other words, if not eat meat, then we also do not contribute to carbonic acid gas into the air, making the earth more heat. Sulitkah become a vegetarian? Reporter Anthony KBR68H Eko to take a new look lifestyle.
Susianto from other friends when selecting the menu lunch. As a vegetarian, Susianto only eat plants, do not eat living creatures, such as meat, fish or processed. That Susianto Chairman of the Vegetarian Society of Indonesia align one kaprah term vegetarian. Often computed 'vegetarian' comes from the word 'generation' or vegetables. In fact this is taken from the Latin, 'vegetus', meaning' healthy life and spirit '. Far from the vegetables.
Susianto is full-blooded vegetarian for 20 years. He said, vegetarian lifestyle has been known since the fifth century before Christ. When they called 'vitagorian' alias Phytates sharer, a scientist and mathematician wiz, who was also vegetarian. The term 'vegetarian' own new appears thousand years later, the year 1800s.
Susianto: So, in 1847 introduced the word vegetarian start, the foundation of the UK Vegetarian Society. It was the first modern organization vegetarian, in English. So the UK is pencetusnya, but it does not mean people are vegetarian since 1847, is not. Before that many people are vegetarian. But it was not there a word vegetarian.
Susianto a vegetarian because of health reasons. Education chemistry and nutrition to make him know exactly the danger of meat.
In many meat Susianto cholesterol, saturated many weak. Plants are in no cholesterol and cholesterol is the main cause of heart disease. I think small children also. The advantage both in the flesh there is no fiber. Fiber only in plants. That is to prevent obesity, cancer and diabetes. Average animal protein, sour, and that favored by cancer cells. Medium vegetables are wet, cancer cells are not preferred.
Vegetarian must be true through three stages. First, lakto ovo, a vegetarian who still eat eggs and milk. After that, lakto vegetarian, no longer eat eggs, milk, but the road continued. Phase terakir vegetarian is the most ngelotok is silly. Only vegetation.
Neli, Indonesia Vegetarian Society volunteers, a vegetarian because of his faith. After that, the new health reasons. Neli admitted to trauma witnessed animal torture and states medicines that look healthy and big.
Neli: That and the love that we see animals killed. From the VCD that we see that they experienced torture, even when not only killed, at the time of their birth they are states with various chemicals that dibooze for growth. So to see things more reinforce the determination to become a vegetarian.
Neli words, it was initially difficult. Moreover, the origin of South Sumatra, have spoken with pempek that contain fish. Difficulties experienced similar Fitrian Ardiansyah, Director of Climate and Energy Program of WWF Indonesia. Two years ago, he began to say farewell to the flesh.
Fitrian Adriansyah: Age 34 I at this time. During the 30 years we eat tail soup, soto goats and so forth. There is a feeling that lost, the sensation is lost. But then during the next week, when we have to find alternative replacement thin sizable yes. We feel more fresh, more calmly. Agency mainly because more light weight down, the sports we never run out of breath. During this I think I'm quite happy and healthy, do not mind more clear dizzy because of economic reasons.
In addition to the body healthy, so if the vegetarian bag also take healthy. Fitriansyah is counting this matter carefully. Money to buy meat far more to buy vegetables instead.
Fitrian: Reasons for the economy, of course. Prices of meat yesterday widths 80 thousand per kilogram. Then the chicken is also expensive. With the difference of income that can be stored, may now have the ability to buy vegetables are organic. First in a second helping local farmers.
But there is worry that the danger poisons and pesticides on crops. Chairman of the Vegetarian Society said Susianto Indonesia, for vegetables with clean running water, no need to worry pesticides behind. Different pesticides meat that can not be removed. Content 14 times higher than pesticides for vegetables.
Susianto: Animal Husbandry and it also always eat berpestisida. And the farmers also will not wash for livestock animals. If a man does not sebodoh that, we are going to wash. And pesticides and it can dissolve in the liquid. Moreover, if the water was orange juice or salt to keep it more soluble again, more readily lepasnya. Yes indeed there is little remaining but if people eat the meat is free of pesticides and one large.
No need to worry also spiritless body weakness because not eat meat protein. Susianto words, needs protein can be obtained from soybeans. Soy protein content of 34 percent, while only 18 percent of the meat.
Not only that benefited themselves with the vegetarian lifestyle, but also the earth. In 2006, the UN issued a report on livestock and the environment. Content, almost 20 percent of the carbonic acid gas emission comes from livestock. This exceeds the combined total emission of all vehicles in the world.
According to Prasasto Satwiko, Coordinator of Technology Center for Energy Studies University of Atmajaya Yogyakarta, which is also a vegetarian, almost the entire process associated with the livestock responsible for the carbonic acid gas emission. For example, to prepare feed for livestock, land clearing for livestock, meat processing in factories, transport meat from livestock to market, animal dung to participate contribute to global warming.
Prasasto: It is said that transport in the world dijumlah still much less than the contribution of greenhouse gases that livestock industry to 15 percent. If all transport combined is only 13 percent. We do not only talk CO2nya yes, because the livestock industry, other than CO2 also methan NH4 called 21 times more potential than CO2, and also from pipisnya, urinalysis oxide nitrous oxide is 296 times more than the evil of CO2 .
Data Vegetarian Society of Indonesia mentioned the IVS, the number of cattle in the world three times more than men. Imagine. Cattle totaling 1.5 billion, 1.8 billion sheep, chickens and 15 billion more. If ditotal, almost 20 billion tails, live cattle across the earth. How big gas carbon dioxide and methane gas released from these animals.
Animal Husbandry also accused the main causes of damage to soil and water pollution. Fitrian Ardiansyah, Director of Climate and Energy Program of WWF Indonesia said, currently 30 percent of the land on earth used livestock. Furthermore the opening of land for livestock, the forests in Brazil participate damaged.
Fitrian Ardiansyah: Where there is a significant relationship between the livestock industry with the expansion of deforestation, which will also contribute to emissions of greenhouse gases because of pressure due to land livestock industry in Brazil, for example, more pillage lands that are protected sebernarnya in the forest Amazon, because the land is already used for other biofuel industry through the sugar cane plantations.
Using the land for plantations, if calculated count, far more useful to change it so instead of livestock. Susianto, Chairman of the Vegetarian Society of Indonesia.
Susianto: There is a research data saying that in 1-hectare area of land that we can produce 20 thousand kilos of potatoes, 20 tons. But in 1 hectare of land that only produces 165 kilograms of beef. Try out for a number of reasons will be about 120 commas. This means what? A vegetarian more cost-efficient use of land, 120 times from a meat eater.
In Indonesia, said Director of WWF Fitrian, cases of forest destruction is not too severe. But snow did not try the health of people around livestock. There are many cases of bird flu or antrax.
I still make little effort livestock industry more environmentally friendly. Fitrian Ardiansyah of the WWF Indonesia said, many more countries cope with global warming the focus from saving the bulk of electricity and transportation.
Fitirian Ardiansyah: What I see is the knowledge is there. But they include some priority. The main priority is because it was so much the quantity of CO2nya generating electricity converted try to be more terbarukan. And transportation also Hybrid car and so forth, and a new livestock industry in recent years diekspos media.
Many developed countries were reluctant to touch the agricultural industry because the industry is one of economic stimulus. Chairman of WALHI, Berry Nahdian Forqan.
Berry Nahdian Forqan: I still see that the government, both in developed countries like in any developing country, still confound the interests of handling environmental issues in this climate change with the interests of the interests of economic growth. This is a serious climate change is not handled. Economic interests here more diproritaskan, preferable.
Let us remember again the speech wholesaler Nobel Peace 2007, Rajendra Kumar Pancauri, concerning two major steps to save energy and prevent global warming. Do not eat meat and cycling.
Do not forget, a vegetarian can save 1.5 million tons of carbon dioxide CO2, every year. This figure is far higher than normal steps to replace the car with environmentally friendly cars, which save 1 million tons of CO2.
Team Coverage KBR68H report to Radio Netherlands Worldwide in Hilversum.
Credit: UN conference on Climate Change that to 14 during the Poznan conference is a continuation of Bali years ago. But, other than to continue Bali, Poznan conference also discussed other important one, that is the reduction of emissions testing and the decrease of forest in developing countries, abbreviated REDD. What is the concept of REDD this and what the role of Indonesia in it. The following explanation Agung Yung, WALHI environmental activist who
attended the climate change conference in Poznan.
Agung Yung [AW]: the lower the emissions tied to the developed countries alone, developing countries are not obliged to reduce emits. But through this scheme REDD developed countries try to find a new way to lower emits. Because they do not have a strong advantage for the lower emits.
Radio Netherlands Worldwide [RNW]: How is the purchase emissions from developing countries are growing so on?
AW: Yes, buy emissions rights from developing countries that can reduce emits from the forestry sector. This kind of CDM, but the Clean Development Mechanism, but in the forestry sector. But there are things that other crucial that we should see in this propoasal REDD. REDD does not explain the exact definition on what the forest itself. Definition of the forest itself, which is fundamental if we want to talk about the forest is not determined with certainty. This will also lead to the interpretation, the interpretation that vary.
For example, FAO's own interpreting the plantation is also part of the forest. If the estate included in the category of forest, how many oil palm plantations that will be able to get incentives from the fund this project. Kan is the source of the problem. Then again there are not problems in the forestry sector of Indonesia, currently a very complex. There is a conflict between the indigenous communities by plantation companies, the company also mines and conflict with indigenous communities immigrants or indigenous communities conflict with the government.
Well, this is the first dibereskan must if we want to discuss this REDD scheme. Recognition of indigenous peoples in Indonesia is very weak at all. When the REDD scheme is that we are takutkan indigenous communities would become a victim and lost access to utilize their forests during this has been proven that they maintain their forests sustainably for hundreds of years, I like it.
RNW: How do you establish yourself in Indonesia REDD this scheme?
AW: In some opportunity in Jakarta, that some delegations stated that they will bring the message that they will respect the indigenous communities and how local communities can also participate in the REDD scheme. But in a few days, the plenary, the plenary was held, a special scheme of RED, I do not see a single word indigenous communities or local communities that expressed by the delegation of Indonesia.
Delegation of Indonesia only reveal that they are ready to implement REDD. This is going to prove that what is disclosed in Indonesia is not the same as what is disclosed in the plenary this UNFCCC. Indonesia is on the offer REDD scheme in the market.
This is also very dangerous one. When the scheme failed to market this means that we not only lose money, we will also lose the forest and also the pick to win again decrease emissions from industrialized countries also will not happen because the market. Company-developed countries can make the money to invest in more equip to support this scheme.
This scheme will be fair when this is done by developing countries that have advanced the state of forests and also reduce emits at least 40% of emissions in 1990. Well, this must also be conducted. Now, pick to win this scheme is driven energy while developed countries would not reduce energy for the reason that they will contribute their money for this scheme.
So, that means there will be no decrease in the level of global emissions. That there will be selling and buying, selling and buying emissions that. Now, we want this kritisi and there are crucial matters. The last is the REDD scheme was not to discuss the root of why the problems occurred deforestation, forest degradation occurs why in Indonesia. Now, when we talk of deforestation and forest degradation Indonesia, we will talk of how the high demand for biofuel, the high demand for paper, the high demand for goods and all kinds of mines, oil and gas it.
And then it becomes a business opportunity, so that the forest must be defeated in the name of the business. Now, we want against accidental deforestation, which also must be made is how to lower demand from these countries. Now, it's never discussed by developed countries. We only asked to maintain their forests and provide money for us as if we become satpam for them.
From: Radio Nederland News list manager owner-berita@RNW.NL
Written on 5:12 PM by wacana
Intro: climate change conference in Poznan, Poland formulate more detailed targets have been agreed upon in the previous conference in Bali, called the 'Bali Road Map'. Bali Road Map not specify in detail the amount of the decrease emissions of carbonic acid gas, CO2. It is not surprising that in his speech in Poznan, Minister of the Environment Rachmat Witoelar urged that the spirit of Bali. "We must penetrate logjam and encourage innovation. Let's keep the spirit of Bali. Let's achieve agreement and let us do now," so Rachmad Witoelar. Innovation is important for REDD for the reduction of emissions testing and the decrease of forest in developing countries. How To Indonesia REDD this? The following explanation Indonesian Environment Minister Rachmat Witoelar from Poznan, Poland.
Rachmat Witoelar [RW]: This is the essence of REDD countries that have forests must maintain forests and it can be for compensation and support from the world, multirateral funds. Because of the many forest, the CO2 we will resap. We expect to be successful here, Indonesia is very supportive.
Radio Netherlands Worldwide [RNW]: What benefits for Indonesia is it?
RW: During this forest's why we degradation, so we must on. We are overcome with the funds that own four trillion to five years, we can not be further from it. Because the funds are limited. With REDD there is the other countries of this opportunity to contribute. So we support. This is a world of his help so that we can preserve our forests.
RNW: What is diributkan and that the developed countries that buy emission quotas from developing countries. Whether Indonesia will also travel emissions such sales?
RW: We participate in it, because that is not sold anything. It sold only a certification course. Certificates are sold and to motivate them to reduce polusinya. For our money is used to plant trees to the Climate change mitigation. So it the funds spent for Climate change also. Now, this is a system that rotates in this world we will come with it.
RNW: But through the REDD mechanism is yes, whether the right of countries that truly will reduce the greenhouse gases it? Are not they reassign to developing countries?
RW: groundhog Cuts (reduction of more red.) Is the obligation of developed countries. He must take groundhog cut. Some of that can compensate. But if they do not can not, in terms of the conference would also UNFDC conference here. This is not the only Green wash, or a yes laundring money, I can. They must cut emits. While cutting emits, they can also mengembali gas emission certificate. So this is not a substitute work together.
RNW: Come NGOs are among the pack, REDD about this. This will remove the role of indigenous communities who have for years have we maintain the sustainability of this forest. Does the pack Rachmat concerns of NGOs is baseless?
RW: It is baseless, I agree with that opinion. No society can be called a community-indigenious people is removed. But indigenous people and it is not everywhere. In a place that we observed him there. Therefore, I am in front of the council, stated that NGOs feared exactly that. I spoke yesterday with Indonesian NGOs, and NGOs from the CAN, from the Climate Action Network talk about this and I guarantee that Indonesia, Minister of my environment, will keep it. And to encourage REDD is not compromising bio diversity (biological diversity, red.) Like any people's right (the rights of indigenous peoples, red.) Granted by the law (the law is guaranteed, red.) Are there.
RNW: The indigenous communities of the pack, among others, yes?
RW: Yes, the indigenous communities. They will be kept in there and they will be people living in accordance with what he'd like.
RNW: The question now is among the indigenous communities that still exist with the government irregularity, no matter forest konfliklah them. Is there no cause of the difficulty in making the solution was?
RW: There may be difficulties. But in this case, the government or that regent woulda ngalah. Must give way to the lives of indigenous people in the forest. They can now do both. Indigenous people are going to finish the forest. The sale is the sustainability of forest, it's the same. If there is logging (pembalakan, red.) Yes, of course, he terkorbankan. Thus it should not be any logging. Men forests that remain sustainable, guarded by the indigenous, tribes (ethnic, red.) Or the people there. According to my opinion is in line to happen.
RNW: Still there that you want to add a conference in Poznan this?
RW: So, I think, and also with several parties, that the financial crisis (financial crisis, red.) Now can not remove our focus to overcome the efforts Climate change (climate change, red.) Today. Can not. This is not a replacement. Must be done simultaneously, must sinergical. In fact, according to my opinion, the resolution of problems Climate take this fact will resolve the financial problems of this. Because it will make solutions that long-term. Perhaps the message that I want to through relatives.
From: Radio Nederland News list manager owner-berita@RNW.NL
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Written on 7:16 PM by wacana
The Tarot experiencia del oscurecida following es el tiempo. Hay Varias reference investigación y que el origen del Tarot Conecta del antiguo Egipto, que otros historiadores However estudiosos y Los Antiguos raíces de la Cultura wizard that the Tarot Con sugieren society. Other researchers are map of peace! "Everybody Italianorigin atribuyen the Tarot, and can llegarse the conclusion of that in the Tarot card of predicción the right tool in a tower in 1400. Desde entonces, cientos de demostraciones Puente de diversas desarrollado y está siendo utilizado. Una de las opciones en el mas grande que convierten Puente de-Waite jinete cubierta.
UN conjunto de Tarot cards, utiliza barge that the pace in Como, contains 78 cards, which contain all different, what Símbolos Los que pueden ser de diversas interpretados maneras. Puente, which contains a total of four keyboard, the game can vary the amount dependiendo del Tarot Ton y Mas I use, de acuerdo a called Crystal, sticks espadas mas tiempo, y que las que component to participate El menor Arkana Long. However, this, Arkana consta de Gran veintidós cards, All, which allow a la gente Faker el evento principal used.
Technologies of each card in the Tarot, Pero INTERPRETACIÓN not the most ha sido el mas afectados following a map, children Invertir o permanent, y el interprete? S. rotten themselves. Most of Los Grandes card arcanos, Triunfo de la carte, lo cual Ton Bastante LOGIC. Ladrón, que ha de representar, en algunos de amplitud, while the symbol of strength Valentia Ton y de los vehículos. Each pequeño de los maps arcanos sentido, too, when predicción, the value SOBRE la base del digitally map of apropiado y utilizan. El significado card can log each online books, following O Rahmat Rahmat INTERPRETACIÓN las de la pasion in the map.
Cuando realiza card reading type of route maps lectores de vez en preguntar when querent mezcla de las cards, again centran that cuestión. Sorry Querent pedirá separate en vez y return ticket pilares Puente, a continuation, poner el Puente Nuevo in otra vez. Cards cards y que en cierto pace UN fluye, each card tiene UN significado different configuration of dependiendo utilizada y lectores. Here ejemplo, lectores cards tickets available cards in Mayo, the United Nations peace! "Everybody means Waira time período, y el Arroyo peace!" Any person day of the UN language: Tracks peace! "Everybody cards apiladas INTERPRETACIÓN junto a la situation.
Mas general terms available to the Hoja of the plebe. Google Search ofrecerá in peace! "Everybody peace!" Everybody selection of more than places to Mayo General to take the following simple de las semillas site. Scalibur reading books available at low mas o menos reading is à 5h00.
Telephone desempeña General costoso less, porque los lectores Tarot cards can apelar UN mas amplio public, not through this y porque no tienen costo escasez Hay from the client.
Sin embargo, el teléfono tons of hay que el siguiente objeción: the lack of MISTICA. Según Tarjeta de los puristes Tarot, peace! "Everybody vez Oh - Lee el teléfono less effective than a typical average reading. Desde Mayo summarized by one of the influir en los precios mas bajos is, y aquellos que astrología the screen, Mayo Take that totalidad del Lote.
Here's expansion to the east impulsado industry of online communication. O The telefónicas party lines, el ha estimulado the Internet Líneas C is the version mas reciente del Solo las expansion of services BARATO del Mercado playing card following telephone Tarot gold.
Although the tanning Tarot known as the exact astrología Service Tarot sigue siendo el desarrollo de El Mercado, who rose through new means of communication. Although purists believe Todavia how important your Tarot reading. Your important than también tomar Note Tarot card is not the son of Rahmat Rahmat diciendo device. También de utilizan en muchos países, utilizada Como peace! "Any card Esto SI Thursday following a Debería Tarot Tarjeta de alentar a los usuarios maintain the level of" cabeza.L experience obscured Tarot time does not mean better. Then it research and reference linking the Origin of the Tarot of ancient Egypt, while other historians and scholars suggest that sharing with older roots Tarot of several Gypsy culture. In other researchers that there Italianorigin United Nations attach to the Tarot card, and can be concluded that the Tarot card in the tool around the right of the forecast 1400. Since then, hundreds of Pont demonstrations in the course of the expansion and use are different. THE ONE of the options that become super rider Waite Bridge Bridge.
A set of Tarot cards, he Tel, which means that symbols can be interpreted in ways that include all contains 78 cards using different today is not missed. Containing United Nations Bridge total of four games and can NOM game fluctuate depending on the Tarot deck, which has lost more use. An increasing number of premises under so-called a wand, glass, swords, and fruit that make up the so-called minor Arkana. During this room, making Arkana Center of twenty-two cards, or permit the use of all people to read the main event cast.
Means of card in the Tarot deck, each cast, however, the interpretation has been much affected by the map of the presentation is the position they are standing or reversed, and interpret it? S. read themselves. Most Major Arkana card, the trump card, more than any other logical choice who lost everything. Thief, one that, while the symbol of the Force has lacked the courage and vehicles in some of place represent dimensions. Each of the small map also Arkana meaning when used on the basis of the value of the digital map and prediction place appropriate ID. Means that each of the map can be viewed online, book of the United Nations, or the interpretation simply images on the card.
When most of the so-faces, card readers local locally ask the querent to mix the cards as they lack the courses focus on the map question. Querent rarely be asked to divide into three Bridge money, then put the bridge back together again. Cards and card readers in some Jette pace of the United Nations, the United Nations and each card, depending on the configuration used for different meanings. For example, card readers in May natural Three maps, languages one means a long period, to the United Nations and put the future of the United Nations: Three cards stacked together expressed the situation provide an interpretation.
As Libelle more generally available a road to burn. A simple Google search UN offer more choices for the United Nations generally in seed May Spot sites. The more natural the more or less £ 5.00 by the loss of the lectures.
Telephone less, with the United Nations appeal with large communities that line of card readers Tarot variables can be done through and what they did not cost ID burned cars there D was no shortage of customers.
However, there are objections to the phone as whistling: lack of coverage of the mystery burned. According to Tarot Card purists, once again, the phone face lit less effective than the typical-of-face conferences. As Te Amo think it means, simply sway the lower prices, and those who believe in astrology, who arrived this mean that the entire batch cast.
The industry's online communication enlargement fed many missing. While only the latest service telephone lines or party lines, phone card stimulated by the expansion variable Tarot bids at least the Internet brethren.
Tarot known as abstract as well as astrology, the Tarot service, the bus is running short for development, which increased through new media. Although purists believe the bus-the-face, the face More significant loss of Tarot course. It is also noted that the Tarot cards are not purely telling device important. They are also used in many remuneration, access As a card to play. The only authentic spirit should Tarot Card users to maintain the level of the head.
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Written on 7:51 PM by wacana
History Mount Merapi, known as 2914 meters, standing Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat, Java palace in the shadow of a mountain. Currently, Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta) 1755, the district of Yogyakarta, Surakarta (Solo), the kingdom of Mataram was divided into kingdoms. Mangkubumi king in a palace built in Yogyakarta, and he, since the 17th century, the most influential as the palace of Central Java is used. Palace from the center of traditional life and the modernization of the 20th century, although the ruins, the palace, the spirit of purity, a marked difference between what the new century. One of Java, Yogyakarta is one of the cultural center.
Gamelan music, classical and contemporary history of the magazine's very beautiful, exhilarating, dolls and traditional arts from the skin and hundreds of stunned tourists is the point of view. Extraordinary spirit and life itself is boring, with little heat in the city. suburnya increasing number of contemporary art and culture are the people of Yogyakarta. Comfort, the Academy of Fine Arts, for example, the art center, INDONESHIAJOGUJAKARUTA here in a modern painting, painting impressionist painters, Affandi 5 important example of the school record. State sector is one of Indonesia's Central Java in the voice of MEINGETOUEI, this place is located geographically. From the mountain Merapi, stretching from north to south Indian Ocean. Flights daily in Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali, Yogyakarta and bus and train transportation linkage with the same land is a road trip. Department of Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta), removed one of the 34 provinces of Indonesia. Ⅱ Kotamadia five local-level Department of Yogyakarta, Bantul, Sleman, Kulon Progo, Gunungkidul and is divided into districts. Total population of 3,226,443 (Statistics December 1997) JOGUJAKARUTAERIA kilometers in 3186. City of culture and education from the local city government, known as regional tourist destination. Thiruvananthapuram history before 1755, is the capital of the Kingdom of BESUMATARAMU. In the 1755 big deal (Palihan Nagar), the kingdom of Mataram was divided into two: Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat and Kasultanan Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat. Mangkubumi usually followed by the king, the young generation Susuhunan Pakubuwono 2, as the king Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat dimahkotai. Then he mentioned the Sultan Hamengku Buwono Ⅰ. In 1813 when the third kingdom of Mataram, under the separation of British colonialism. Prince dimahkotai Paku Alam Ⅰ. Notokusumo as king, Buwono my child, Kasultanan separated from the kingdom of Yogyakarta. 17 August 1945 stated that the independence of Indonesia, Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat Pakualaman and signed by one of Indonesia's attachment to the region, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX, the governor and Sri Paku Alam VIII as representatives gubernurnya. However, the country DIY is a relatively small area, rich in tourism. Visitors are very interesting and impressive art shows and other art can find the results. In Java as the center of art and culture, Yogyakarta is a tourist, there are several types. That is why people are holder JOGUJAKARUTAJAWA mereferensikan culture. In addition, to provide a place for Yogyakarta mountains, sandy beaches and beautiful scenery, the beloved one. Department of researchers, geologists, experts vulkanologi and speleogi attractive location for the cave as active volcanoes in the lime in the stands. In the southern district of Gunung Kidul, as evidence that the sea, the marine biota from the limestone fossil of some of the chip. Archaeologist in this city is very interesting, at least 36 temples / historical sites here. In addition, the ruins of civilization in the 9th century. One of them, is a Hindu temple of Prambanan temple, the largest in Indonesia, the most popular. Borobudur, the largest Buddhist temple, the Seven Wonders of the World "was recorded as." Borobudur 1 hour, 42 kilometers west of the city of Yogyakarta on Wednesday with a trip to Borobudur, the temple can visit the temple and Mendut Pawon can be achieved. Mendut places of worship in the temple, a Buddhist statue in the said. In some ceremonies, but as far as this will be held in Yogyakarta. Beautiful environment, traditional architecture, social life, and the ritual of Yogyakarta, where more interesting to visit. Gamelan music and dance, Yogyakarta always a few centuries ago and remember the life of the spectators of traditional arts such as dance and traditional culture. Indonesia, the latest developments in technology, development of Yogyakarta, a more traditional rituals and customs and harmony. Name, in Yogyakarta Province is truly special. People are very friendly. This form of life and behavior. They taste as the traditional archery games for the dove as a very Thursday. In addition, people can listen to the cries of birds can enjoy life and have faith. Traditional archery competition is always called to commemorate King's birthday will be held "Wiyosan Dalem". When Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, has implemented this tradition was born. Traditional customs and rituals, but different, Yogyakarta, automotive, architecture, this traditional form of the market, which reflects the Center souvenirs, "the Museum of income, Java, is known as a museum, many options tourist attractions in Yogyakarta.
Written on 7:23 PM by wacana
Domestikasi hinihinalang dog that although people may not know the culture (hunting and peramu) and livestock activities is the first time. Agriculture (crops and livestock) is one of the most famous people from all civilization and culture changes. Experts generally agree that agriculture was first developed about prehistoric 12,000 years ago, the culture in the "fertile crescent" in the Middle East, where the valley along the Tigris river Eufrat region and continue to reach the area from the west of Syria and Jordan today.
Evidence shows that the first time found the cultivation of grains (cereals, mainly because of our grain farro) and under-polongan region. At that time, in 2000 after the end of the last Ice Age in Pleistosen time, in this dearah many of the forest and found that it is suitable for early agriculture. Agriculture has been popular with those who have reached the culture of children stone (neolitikum), working in bronze and megalitikum. Agriculture change the type of faith, worship Allah, the game will be the cult of the god of fertility and hope that the availability of food. Cultivation techniques and then spread to the west (Europe and North Africa, where the Sahara desert can not fully) and east (for East Asia and Southeast Asia).
The trial in China showed growth jewawut (miles) of rice and 6,000 years before Christ. South-East Asia community recognizes the cultivation of rice at least 3,000 years BC, and Japan and Korea from 1000 years BC. Meanwhile, the Indian subcontinent to develop the cultivation of plants and animals since the beginning different. Livestock, the first didomestikasi goats / sheep (7000 years BC) and pigs (6000 years BC), including domestikasi cat. Cattle, horses, buffaloes, begin to respect built between the years 6000 to 3000 before Christ. Chicken and begin repairs. Silkworms are known diternakkan 2,000 years BC. Cultivation of new fresh water fish known from the 2000 and the Chinese and Japanese. Fish is also known to those in the new century to 20. Growth of fruit and vegetables have also been long known people. May people of Egypt (4000 years BC) and the Greek Kuna (3000 years BC) is recognized both wine and olive growing.
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